Subj : Average home value sees 'modest' increase for first quarter To : All From : News Person Date : Tue Apr 09 2024 10:20 am The average home value in New Zealand has seen a "modest" increase over the first three months of 2024, according to the latest Quotable Value (QV) House Price Report. The March report shows the average home value has increased nationally by 2.2% to $924,734 - which is 1.9% higher than the same time last year and 13.1% below the market's peak in late 2021. QV operations manager James Wilson described the current state of New Zealand's residential property market as "flat". "We're seeing only modest movement across the nation - mostly up, but some down - which is a fair reflection of a housing market that is continuing to find its footing again amidst some pretty strong economic headwinds," he said. Three main urban areas recorded more growth in this QV House Price Index than in the last one - New Plymouth (2.1%), Palmerston North (0.6%) and Invercargill (0.7%). "Although the pendulum has clearly swung in favour of prospective purchasers, with a relatively large number of properties on the market today giving them plenty of choice and helping to maintain downward pressure on prices overall, interest rates and credit constraints are continuing to make life very difficult for everyone," said Wilson. He said the recent influx of new listings appears to have had a "cooling effect" on the main centres, most notably Auckland, where home values have stalled in recent months. "Of the main urban areas we monitor, Queenstown experienced the most growth this quarter at 2.7%, with Wellington and Christchurch not far behind on 2% and 1.5% respectively. The report detailed the average Queenstown home is worth 9.9% more than at the same time last year, and 46.3% more than four years ago at the outset of the Covid-19 pandemic in New Zealand Aotearoa. QV senior consultant Blake Ngarimu said Wellington's market "continues to be dominated by first-home buyers" while values across the Wellington region are more affordable. Wilson still maintains that "flat is the best word to describe the market today and its trajectory". "Even with the recent reintroduction of 80% interest deductibility for landlords." --- Mystic BBS v1.12 A44 2020/02/04 (Windows/64) * Origin: S.W.A.T.S BBS Telnet (63:10/102) .