Subj : Medsafe issues alert for creams found to contain steroids To : All From : News Person Date : Tue Apr 09 2024 10:21 am Medsafe has issued an alert this evening warning people to immediately stop using NaturaCoco and Dok Apo brand moisturising creams - used to treat eczema in children - after it was found to contain a "potent steroid". NaturaCoco Moisturising Cream is being advertised as a daily moisturiser "suitable for all ages", while Dok Apo Moisturiser Soothing Cream was promoted as an "all-natural coconut-based cream". NaturaCoco was previously known as Dok Apo before it was rebranded. The products were sold through NaturaCoco, a cosmetics store and online retailer based in Hamilton. It was placed under a temporary hold last month while it was investigated by Medsafe due to concerns it contained steroids. At the time, NaturaCoco said "routine internal testing has found our product to be steroid-free". However, MedSafe this evening said the creams were found to contain fluocinonide - a "potent steroid" which should only be prescribed by a doctor. Laboratory testing found NaturaCoco Moisturising Cream to contain approximately 0.01% fluocinonide, while Dok Apo Moisturiser Soothing Cream was found to contain 0.008%. "Steroid creams can cause side effects and affect the health of anyone who uses them," it said. Side effects of using the steroid cream over a long period of time or over a large surface area include decreased growth in children and developing Cushing's syndrome, according to the National Health Service. The risk of side effects "is greatest if you have been using these creams for a long time on a large area of skin, if the skin was broken, or if used in children". Anyone who has used the creams has been advised to make an appointment with their GP to ensure they are not experiencing any side effects. In a statement today, NaturoCoco said testing on its moisturising cream had "unfortunately confirmed the unintentional presence of steroid". "In light of these findings, and in adherence to our commitment to safety and compliance with local health regulations, we regretfully announce that we are no longer permitted to sell or distribute our moisturising cream in New Zealand. "We deeply apologise for any inconvenience or concern this may have caused." NaturaCoco said the product has a Certification of Product Notification from the Food and Drug Administration in the Philippines. There are no approved products containing the corticosteroid in New Zealand, Medsafe said. The products have since been seized and regulatory action is being carried out to stop its supply. Medsafe said it was aware individuals or businesses "may have imported these products for personal use or for resale". "The products do not have consent for distribution as medicines in New Zealand, and their quality, safety and effectiveness have not been established." The creams are still available for purchase for customers in Australia, the United Kingdom, the US, Samoa, South Korea, and Japan. Anyone who has purchased the products has been advised to return them to the retailer, dispose of it or contact a local pharmacy to arrange a safe disposal. NaturaCoco's returns policy is for 14 days after purchase. --- Mystic BBS v1.12 A44 2020/02/04 (Windows/64) * Origin: S.W.A.T.S BBS Telnet (63:10/102) .