Subj : Govt reveals targets - including 50k people off benefit by 2030 To : All From : News Person Date : Tue Apr 09 2024 10:27 am The Government has announced nine targets - including reducing the number of people on the benefit by 50,000 and reducing victims of violent crime by 20,000 - to be achieved by 2030. It also includes reducing those in emergency housing by 75% and increasing school attendance to 80% of students present for 90% of the term. Prime Minister Christopher Luxon announced the targets at his post-Cabinet press conference this afternoon. He said the targets were built around the National Party's election promises to New Zealanders - rebuilding the economy, restoring law and order and delivering better public services. The targets are, according to the Government: Reduced child and youth offending: 15% reduction in the total number of children and young people with serious and persistent offending behaviour 20,000 fewer people who are victims of an assault, robbery, or sexual assault 50,000 fewer people on Jobseeker Support Benefit 80% of students are present for more than 90% of the term 80% of Year 8 students at or above the expected curriculum level for their age in reading, writing and maths by December 2030 75% reduction of households in emergency housing Be on track to meet New Zealand's 2050 net zero climate change targets, with total net emissions of no more than 290 megatonnes from 2022 to 2025 and 305 megatonnes from 2026 to 2030 Shorter stays in emergency departments: 95% of patients to be admitted, discharged, or transferred from an emergency department within six hours Shorter wait times for (elective) treatment: 95% of people wait less than four months for elective treatment. The last two targets were announced last month and the climate change target was announced by former Climate Change Minister James Shaw in 2022. Luxon said the Government had made "great progress" but was "under no illusion about the scale of the challenges we face as a country". "Despite the hard work of frontline staff like police, nurses and teachers, New Zealand has gone backwards in recent years. 'Not going to be easy to achieve' "That's why our Government is bringing back public service targets, to focus our public sector on driving better results for New Zealanders in health, education, law and order, work, housing, and the environment. "These targets are not going to be easy to achieve. But we're not here to do what is easy - we're here to do what is needed to reduce crime, shorten healthcare wait times and improve educational achievement, no matter how difficult." He said the Government was focused on rebuilding the economy so it could afford to invest in the public services New Zealanders deserved. "But we know that spending more money will not in itself deliver better results. Despite significant increases in spending under the previous government, New Zealanders got worse results from their public services. "We are taking a different approach. Setting targets will put a focus on delivery in the public sector where there wasn't before. They will also drive greater value for taxpayer money." He said the targets were "deliberately ambitious" and would be challenging and require the public sector to "think differently, dig deeply into root causes, learn from other places, and be innovative and disciplined in directing resources to where they will have the greatest impact on outcomes". Delivery of the targets would be the responsibility of a lead minister and lead public service agency chief executive, working in partnership with other ministers and their agencies as appropriate. Progress reports will be released publicly every quarter, starting from mid-2024, a Government statement said. 'Who's going to do the work?' Labour Party finance spokesperson Barbara Edmonds said ongoing public service cuts would hinder the ability for the targets to be delivered. "The Prime Minister says that his Government targets are ambitious, but they've given themselves years and years to meet them," she told media. "Just because you have a target doesn't necessarily mean that the work has been resourced. What we're seeing with this Government is a cutting back on public services - who's going to do the work?" She added: "We all want reduced youth offending. We all want our families out of hotels. We all want our children to be going to school. "But actually, the detail behind the targets, what's the action behind this? It's all missing." --- Mystic BBS v1.12 A44 2020/02/04 (Windows/64) * Origin: S.W.A.T.S BBS Telnet (63:10/102) .