Subj : Hamilton petrol station robbers took a few wrong turns To : All From : News Person Date : Wed Apr 10 2024 12:03 pm Five youths have been rounded up by police inside an hour after they fled the scene of a robbery at a Hamilton petrol station. Police said the group were driving on the wrong side of the road - leading to multiple near misses with other motorists - as they departed the robbery. Police were called after five masked offenders stole cash and cigarettes before fleeing from a service station on Whatawhata Rd in Dinsdale around 1.15pm, Inspector Andrea McBeth said. Several people were in the store when the incident unfolded, including a child. Officers, including two dog units, responded after an employee called police from a safe room. The youths fled in a stolen car, which was tracked "thanks to several 111 calls about the car on driving on the wrong side of the road and multiple near-collisions with other motorists", McBeth said. The vehicle was found abandoned on Hinton Rd. Four people were arrested near the scene, she said. A fifth person was arrested after police identified a house of interest. "We are providing support to the victims and witnesses who were inside the store. One was a child who, while not harmed, was understandably distressed by what unfolded," she said. "People deserve to be able to do their work or go about their day without being threatened, harmed or made to feel unsafe. "I want to thank the members of the public who called us immediately with information, as has been crucial in helping us get such a fast result." --- Mystic BBS v1.12 A44 2020/02/04 (Windows/64) * Origin: S.W.A.T.S BBS Telnet (63:10/102) .