Subj : 'The best damned AM we can' - Hosts address closure To : All From : News Date : Thu Apr 11 2024 12:08 pm The AM Show opened this morning's programme by addressing "the elephant in the room" following confirmation of Newshub's closure yesterday. The closure, announced yesterday, meant the end of TV3's morning show AM, Newshub Live at 6pm, and the Newshub website. A possible deal between Newshub's owner Warner Bros. Discovery and another media company had not been ruled out. AM hosts Melissa Chan-Green and Lloyd Burr this morning thanked audiences for "coming along for the ride". "We should probably start by addressing the elephant in the room, because it was confirmed by the owners of Three that our entire news operation here is shutting down," Burr said. "Our final show is going to be July the 5th and that is 85 days away, and until then, we'll be here and bringing you the best damned AM that we can." Chan-Green said she was "very lucky to be a part of it". "A huge thank you for all your support and messages of encouragement," she said. Chan-Green said there were "a few things" that made her smile yesterday following the announcement, including sharing a plate of asparagus rolls with the AM team, made by Burr. "Probably quite appropriate because they're often a popular food for a wake," Chan-Green joked. "I didn't realise that when I made them," Burr responded through laughter. "We love what we do and we will continue to do it until July 5th," she said. The scaled-down presence of Warner Bros. Discovery in New Zealand, with 75% of staff expected to go, also meant a shake-up for TV3's local production of shows. The fate of local shows such as The Block and Married At First Sight NZ also remained unclear. --- Mystic BBS v1.12 A44 2020/02/04 (Windows/64) * Origin: S.W.A.T.S BBS Telnet (63:10/102) .