Subj : NZ strengthens ties with US, pledges $16.4m for Indo-Pacific ventures To : All From : News Date : Fri Apr 12 2024 11:44 am New Zealand is joining the United States in financially supporting two practical projects in the Pacific, pledging $16.4 million in funding for initiatives in digital connectivity and oceans and fisheries research. Foreign Minister Winston Peters met with US Secretary of State Antony Blinken in Washington DC overnight. In a joint statement they announced further New Zealand cooperation with the US in the Pacific Islands region. New Zealand will provide $8.2 million (US$5m) to support digital connectivity in Tuvalu, through the Pacific Connect Cable; and a further $8.2 million (US$5m) to support the construction of an oceans and fisheries research vessel for the Pacific community. Blinken and Peters also released a joint declaration which sets out the principles and priorities underpinning the strategic partnership between the two countries. The statement said it is "more important than ever that New Zealand and the United States find common cause" in defence of shared values and interests, particularly in the Indo-Pacific region. "New Zealand also wishes to advance its trade and economic relationship with the United States," Peters said. Peters said the country can achieve more in the Pacific through working with partners who share "values and our assessment of the strategic challenges facing the region". He said this is a "great example of trilateral cooperation" by Australia, New Zealand, and the US in the Pacific. "The Pacific Connect Cable, which is receiving funding from the United States, Australia and Japan, will boost the digital connectivity of a range of Pacific Island countries," Peters said. "The oceans and fisheries research vessel will deliver vital information to Pacific Island countries to help them better and more sustainably manage their valuable fisheries resources and safeguard their oceans," Peters said. Foreign policy issues Peters and Blinken also discussed priority foreign policy issues, including Gaza and Ukraine, and the role of New Zealand and the US in responding to both conflicts. "We discussed how the United States continues to play a crucial and urgent role in Gaza as it works to try to help end the suffering there by facilitating an immediate ceasefire," Peters said. "On Ukraine, we noted the importance New Zealand attaches to Ukraine being provided with the military support it needs to combat Russia's war of aggression," said Peters. During his visit to the US, Peters engaged with a broad range of political actors, including on Capitol Hill. "New Zealand and the United States are two of the world's oldest, longest-running, continuous democracies," Peters said. "The New Zealand-United States strategic partnership is underpinned by broad, bipartisan support in both countries." Peters returns to New Zealand this weekend. --- Mystic BBS v1.12 A44 2020/02/04 (Windows/64) * Origin: S.W.A.T.S BBS Telnet (63:10/102) .