Subj : Auckland couple's magnetic massage helps wounded soldiers in Ukraine To : All From : News Date : Sun Apr 14 2024 11:18 am An Auckland based couple are preparing to return to Ukraine for a third time to continue teaching in rehabilitation facilities for wounded soldiers. Chris Toal is a deep tissue therapist and his Ukrainian wife Alla Kalinina specialises in facial tissue therapy. The pair are skilled in the alternative practice of pulsed electromagnetic massage therapy (PEMT) and use a plastic mitt embedded with small magnets to massage wound sites and areas of pain. "There's a lot of research showing pulsed electromagnetic fields can change state in nerves but you can't get great big machines in with you and lug them round in Ukraine," Toal said. "So we've got a small modified tool that allows us to roll on someone's injuries." He said the pair have been working with soldiers who have experienced serious blast injuries resulting in amputations, head injuries and other nerve trauma. And that the treatment has a calming effect, often within a short time frame. It means a great deal to the couple to have been invited back for another visit. They said they have already trained 60 therapists in PEMT on their previous trips to Ukraine. Kalinina gets emotional talking about helping people in her homeland and the incredibly warm welcome the couple has received there. "They are really shocked that we're there. We are Kiwis from the other side of the planet," she said. "When we arrived everybody said, 'Wow!! Really? You know about us?' Our people are very grateful we support them." The couple plan to visit three hospitals on their next trip including a major neurological treatment hospital in Vinnytsia and the Ukrainian National Rehabilitation Hospital in Lviv. "People ask, how can you do this? We say, how can you not?" Toal said. "These are lovely people. They didn't ask for this war, they were minding their own business." He sighs and is close to tears describing how rewarding the couple find the work. They are now waiting for travel arrangements to be finalised but expect to return by June. What is pulsed electromagnetic massage therapy? PEMT is practised globally and is considered an alternative therapy. The NZ Defence Force says its medics do not administer PEMT and is not considering its use. One trauma specialist with experience in war zones told 1News holistic medicine may better support patient psychological wellbeing than conventional medicine. Another trauma doctor who spent time in Ukraine said he can see how PEMT "may alleviate neuropathic pains associated with traumatic amputation --- Mystic BBS v1.12 A44 2020/02/04 (Windows/64) * Origin: S.W.A.T.S BBS Telnet (63:10/102) .