Subj : Close to 450 roles to go at Oranga Tamariki amid Govt savings demands To : All From : News Date : Wed Apr 17 2024 12:42 pm Up to 450 roles are being cut at Oranga Tamariki amid the Government's public service cost-cutting demands. The workforce is being reduced by 9%. The proposal, outlined to staff today by Oranga Tamariki chief executive Chappie Te Kani, said in total 447 jobs were being axed. According to the ministry, 632 roles were being disestablished and 185 created. Of the 632 disestablished roles, 70 were currently vacant, and frontline roles were not affected. Stuff reports the policy and evidence centre is one of the departments affected. The evidence centre monitors if programmes and policies are working to help children in need. Te Kani said the proposal was not about "tinkering around the edges". "This change goes to our core as a ministry. It fundamentally moves us away from where we are, towards the kind of ministry we need to be. "A Ministry that puts children at the centre of all we do." More than 1400 public sector roles have already been cut as part of the Government's cost-saving measures. Departments had been asked to find up to 7.5% in savings as Finance Minister Nicola Willis looks to slash annual public service spending annually by $1.5 billion. --- Mystic BBS v1.12 A44 2020/02/04 (Windows/64) * Origin: S.W.A.T.S BBS Telnet (63:10/102) .