Subj : Canterbury A&P show postponed for 2024: 'Unwise to proceed' To : All From : News Date : Wed Apr 17 2024 12:47 pm The New Zealand Agricultural Show - known to many as the Canterbury A&P show - is being postponed this year. The Canterbury Agricultural & Pastoral Association board said today the livestock judging and competitions would still go ahead, but the wider November event would not be taking place. It comes after several challenging years, including Covid-enforced cancellations, has forced a review of the association's business model. "Twelve months of costs and three days of revenue is not a great business model by anyone's analysis," board chairman Stewart Mitchell said. "Unfortunately, after reviewing the latest financial position and projections, and considering the general committee's deliberations, the board concluded it would be unwise to proceed with a full-scale public show for 2024. "After two Covid years and a recent financial loss in 2023, the Association's financial reserves are limited, and with highly variable income streams, we are unable to sustain the risk of another loss in 2024. Rising wage and compliance costs have been another contributing factor and have significantly impacted the bottom line in recent years." Mitchell said current economic conditions were likely to hit sponsorship, exhibitors and gate revenue. The show has been running since 1863, and president of the general committee of the Canterbury Agricultural & Pastoral Association Bryce Murray vowed they'd be back "better than ever" in 2025. Mayor responds Christchurch Mayor Phil Mauger said: "It's very disappointing to hear about the postponement of this year's A&P Show." He said the event "really is the highlight" on the city's event calendar for the year, bringing people from around the country to Christchurch. "However, like so many organisations and businesses around the country, the Canterbury Agricultural & Pastoral Association has faced a number of challenges over the last few years," Mauger said. "Two years of Covid and rising costs have certainly made a huge dent in the Association's finances. "We are about to finalise a commercial agreement with the Association, and hope to release the details about this within the next few days." --- Mystic BBS v1.12 A44 2020/02/04 (Windows/64) * Origin: S.W.A.T.S BBS Telnet (63:10/102) .