Subj : Lee axed as media minister, Simmonds stripped of disability portfolio To : All From : News Date : Wed Apr 24 2024 12:55 pm Melissa Lee has been relieved of the role of Media and Communications Minister, while Penny Simmonds has also lost her disabilities portfolio. Prime Minister Christopher Luxon has explained the change by saying due to significant challenges in each portfolio they should be held by senior Cabinet ministers. It follows controversies and pressure in both ministers' portfolios in recent months. Paul Goldsmith with take over from Lee, and Louise Upston will take over for Simmonds. "It has become clear in recent months that there are significant challenges in the media sector. Similarly, we have discovered major financial issues with programmes run by the Ministry of Disabled People," Luxon said in a statement. "I have come to the view it is important to have senior Cabinet Ministers considering these issues." He said there were "significant synergies" between the Arts, Culture and Heritage portfolio and Media and Communications - the former being a portfolio Goldsmith holds. "The challenges facing our media are being seen all over the world. While there are limited levers for Government here, I look forward to Paul progressing work to ensure regulatory settings are appropriate to enable the media to modernise and adapt to a changing media environment." Luxon said as the Ministry of Disabled People was a departmental agency within the Ministry of Social Development, he had asked Louise Upston to take responsibility for the Disabilities Issues portfolio. "This will free Penny Simmonds up to focus on the Environment portfolio and the major changes she is progressing to improve tertiary education. "Given the changes, Melissa Lee will move outside of Cabinet. Climate Change and Revenue Minister Simon Watts will move into Cabinet." In the wake of Newshub's closure and job losses and show cuts at TVNZ, Lee had been put under pressure to come up with a plan for the media. Labour's Willie Jackson, the former broadcasting minister, had called her "bereft of any ideas or strategies" about what to do about a sector in decline. New rules on funding for funding for equipment, modification support and services due to financial pressure had caused upset in the disabled community - both with the changes and the manner in which they were communicated by the Ministry of Disabled People (Whaikaha). Simmonds had been criticised for saying funds were being used for massages, overseas travel and pedicures for carers. The Prime Minister is due to speak on the issue at 1pm today, which will be livestreamed on --- Mystic BBS v1.12 A44 2020/02/04 (Windows/64) * Origin: S.W.A.T.S BBS Telnet (63:10/102) .