Subj : 'Disappointing': 23 boaties caught fishing in protected area To : All From : News Date : Fri Apr 26 2024 12:40 pm Twenty-three boats were caught fishing in a protected area near Tauranga over the summer period - prompting the Bay of Plenty Regional Council to issue a reminder to skippers of the rules. Three offshore reefs surrounding Motiti Island have been protected since August 2021 after the council was instructed by the Environment Court to better look after the area. Regulatory compliance manager Matt Harrex said settled weather meant the regional council was able to conduct more regular patrols of the area. "While most of the interactions were first time occurrences, it was particularly disappointing to see two commercial charter boat operators fishing within the protected area, as they have a responsibility to themselves and their clients to know the rules." Boaties caught in violation of the protection area could be fined $500. More serious offending carried possible penalties of two years imprisonment, or $300,000 fine for an individual or $600,000 for a company. He said the rules were clear and applied to everyone equally. "You can no longer take marine life from the three areas making up the Motiti Protection Area. "The location and boundaries of these protected areas are clearly advertised at all Tauranga boat ramps, are charted, and are publicised over summer, so it's really disappointing to still see a number of boats fishing in the area." Harrex said people who fished had a responsibility to know the rules. --- Mystic BBS v1.12 A44 2020/02/04 (Windows/64) * Origin: S.W.A.T.S BBS Telnet (63:10/102) .