Subj : What are Paul Goldsmith's plans as new Media Minister? To : All From : News Date : Fri Apr 26 2024 12:43 pm New Media and Communications Minister Paul Goldsmith has declared himself up for the challenge. Goldsmith was given the portfolio after Melissa Lee was dropped from Cabinet on Wednesday after sustained for a perceived lack of a plan as New Zealand's media confronted major upheaval in recent weeks. Goldsmith told 1News overnight in London: "Look, there's been enormous changes to the way that people get their news and information over the last decade, and that's led to a state of flux in the industry. "There's real pressure on traditional ways of doing things, and so people are working very hard to innovate and try and continue to do the important things that the media does." 'I'll be moving reasonably swiftly' Goldsmith said he would begin by hearing what key players had to say but he was prepared to act quickly. "I'll start by talking to the many people in the industry and listening carefully to the views, and I've got a bit of a sense of many of the concerns - particularly around trying our best to level the playing field between the traditional media and also the online platforms that we have, and so there are some real challenges there. "I'll be listening and I'll be moving reasonably swiftly." Asked whether he has any actions in mind already, Goldsmith said he had a sense of the issues and it was important to take time and consult with people - but also that he recognised the urgency of the situation. "As a minister, you're here to do what the prime minister asks you to do. I'm very excited by the challenge," he said. "It's very much an important part of our democracy that we have a strong and vibrant media, and also that we can continue to tell our stories to New Zealanders but also to the world as well. "This is a time of rapid change - but that's a time of opportunities as well." PM has provided a 'clear sense of direction' Prime Minister Christopher Luxon has given Goldsmith a "clear sense of direction" of what was wanted in the media sector, he added. "We want to make a real success of it. "We recognise that there are big challenges in this area, it's important, it's complicated, and we've got to work through it carefully and make sure that we create an environment where we can continue to have a strong media presence in New Zealand." --- Mystic BBS v1.12 A44 2020/02/04 (Windows/64) * Origin: S.W.A.T.S BBS Telnet (63:10/102) .