Subj : Winston Peters accused of 'defamatory' remarks about ex-Aus minister To : All From : News Date : Thu May 02 2024 12:38 pm The Foreign Minister has been accused of making "entirely defamatory" comments about a former senior Australian politician, with the Opposition calling for Winston Peters to be stood down. Bob Carr, who was Australian foreign minister from 2012 to 2013, has been highly critical of the Aukus submarine deal and the Pillar 2 component of it that New Zealand is investigating whether to join. In an interview with Morning Report on Thursday, Winston Peters criticised Carr and made allegations concerning his relationship with China. RNZ has removed the comments from the interview online after confirmation Carr was "proceeding with legal action". Peters' office told RNZ the minister will respond if he receives formal notification of any such action. Labour leader Chris Hipkins says the allegations made by Peters are "totally unacceptable". Peters has abused his office, according to Hipkins, and says the prime minister should stand his deputy down immediately. "It's embarrassing for New Zealand that we're now facing defamation action," he said. Winston Peters has once again embarrassed New Zealand by making potentially defamatory allegations about a senior and respected leader from our closest ally. The Prime Minister needs to show some leadership and stand him down immediately. - Chris Hipkins (@chrishipkins) May 1, 2024 Last month Carr travelled to New Zealand to take part in a panel discussion on Aukus, after Labour's foreign affairs spokesperson David Parker organised a debate at Parliament. Former Labour prime minister Helen Clark was also on the panel, and has been highly critical of Aukus and what she believes is the coalition Government moving closer to traditional allies, in particular the United States Clark told Morning Report on Thursday that she had contacted Carr after she heard Peters' comments, which she also described as defamatory. --- Mystic BBS v1.12 A44 2020/02/04 (Windows/64) * Origin: S.W.A.T.S BBS Telnet (63:10/102) .