Subj : Auckland man's disappearance: Details emerge after 24 days To : All From : News Date : Tue May 21 2024 12:16 pm Police say they hold "grave concerns" for an Auckland man, who disappeared three weeks ago, as they release new details about his last contact with his wife. Sandringham man Ronny Okeke, 60, was last seen on April 27 at a New World supermarket in Mt Roskill. He was reported missing five days later. Detective Inspector Glenn Baldwin said police urgently needed to hear from anyone with information. He said investigators were keeping an "open mind about what has happened". "It has been 24 days since Ronny was last seen, and our concerns only grow as each day passes," he said in a statement. "An investigation team has been working to try and piece together Ronny's movements and what may have led to his disappearance." Okeke's "last confirmed sighting" was on surveillance camera footage as he left the Stoddard Rd New World at about 4.42pm, according to police. He attempted to call his wife, who lived overseas, at around 11am earlier on the same day but did not pick up when she tried to call him back. "For her calls to continue to go unanswered since April 27 is highly unusual and gives us cause for concern," Baldwin said. "Ronny is regularly in contact with his wife, who lives overseas." Police urged anyone with information about the missing man to call 105. "We are continuing to keep an open mind about what has happened to Ronny. The investigation team's priority is to piece together Ronny's movements and locate him. "We are urgently calling on the public to come forward if they have information. If you saw Ronny on April 27, or if you have seen or heard from him since it is very important that you contact us," Baldwin said. --- Mystic BBS v1.12 A44 2020/02/04 (Windows/64) * Origin: S.W.A.T.S BBS Telnet (63:10/102) .