Subj : Random roadside drug testing: AA bemoans 'astonishing' delay To : All From : News Date : Tue May 21 2024 12:20 pm The AA has welcomed a Government announcement that random roadside drug testing is on the way - but say it's "astonishing" and "ridiculous" how long it has taken New Zealand to get there. Transport Minister Simeon Brown announced yesterday that police will be able to randomly screen drivers for drugs at the roadside using oral fluid tests. The legislation was expected to be passed towards the end of the year, he said. "The previous government passed legislation to introduce roadside drug testing, however two years later, no progress has been made as the legislation was flawed and unworkable," Brown said at the launch of Road Safety Week. The Government would ask police to carry out 50,000 oral fluid tests a year once the regime was implemented, he said The Automobile Association said the move would "fix a gap in New Zealand's road safety strategy that has been exposed for too long". "These tests are proven and have been use in Australia and Europe for years - it's astonishing that New Zealand has taken so long to get onboard with international best practice," said road safety spokesperson Dylan Thomsen. "With drugs involved in so much harm on New Zealand roads, it is ridiculous testing has taken so long to be introduced. "Victoria in Australia introduced drug testing 20 years ago. "Far too many people are still willing to risk lives by driving after taking drugs or drinking alcohol." The tests would be an important "safety net", he added. "Right now people are dying because [drug-impaired drivers] don't think they are going to get caught." --- Mystic BBS v1.12 A44 2020/02/04 (Windows/64) * Origin: S.W.A.T.S BBS Telnet (63:10/102) .