Subj : Murder charge for 13-year-old after fatal Dunedin bus stop assault To : All From : News Date : Fri May 24 2024 01:12 pm A 13-year-old has been charged with murder after a 16-year-old boy suffered fatal injuries in a suspected stabbing at a Dunedin bus stop yesterday afternoon. According to police, the incident occurred after 3pm, during "an altercation between the victim and offender". "Police are still working to establish the circumstances leading into the incident but can confirm that we have recovered a knife from the scene," a police spokesperson said. Following the incident, the 16-year-old was rushed to hospital but died a short time later. Another teen, now charged with murder, was taken into custody and appeared in the Dunedin Youth Court this morning. Victim full of 'energy and promise' In a statement, the principal of Trinity Catholic School - where the victim studied - said: "It is so devastating, heartbreaking and sad to lose someone so young and full of energy and promise in such a senseless and horrific way. "Our hearts go out to his whanau who are going through this terrible loss. "We are a strong, united school community, and we will wrap our love, care and support around those in our college who need it at this time." Investigations continue "Our scene examination on Great King Street is now complete, and several enquiries are underway," police said. "A post-mortem is expected to be carried out today, and next-of-kin notifications are ongoing. "We are working, along with Victim Support, to support the victim's family at this extremely difficult time." Otago Coastal Area Commander Inspector Marty Gray is asking anyone who witnessed the incident or took photos or videos to call police on 105. Gray called the incident "extremely distressing" for the community and said police had increased patrols in the area. "Police have been aware of anti-social behaviour at the bus hub for some time and have been working closely with the Dunedin City Council, Otago Regional Council and other partners to address this issue." "Police have increased our foot and car patrols in the area, focusing on peak times to ensure high visibility of police officers," Gray said. Extra CCTV has been put in place, alongside additional security patrols. Gray confirmed security was working at the bus hub at the time of the incident "and quickly intervened when they saw the altercation". "As this matter is now before the courts, we are unable to comment further, but we can assure our community that we have been working hard, along with our partners, to address the issues, particularly involving youth at the Bus Hub. "The incident yesterday was a tragedy, and our hearts go out to the victim and his family." Police ask anyone of photos and video of the altercation to upload them anonymously here. The accused will reappear in the High Court on June 11. --- Mystic BBS v1.12 A44 2020/02/04 (Windows/64) * Origin: S.W.A.T.S BBS Telnet (63:10/102) .