Subj : Dunedin bus hub where teen allegedly assaulted 'problematic' - MP To : All From : News Date : Fri May 24 2024 01:18 pm A bus stop in Dunedin - where a 16-year-old boy was fatally injured in a suspected stabbing - has a history of "problematic" behaviour, a local MP and councillor say. Emergency services were called to the bus stop on Great King St just after 3pm yesterday afternoon following reports a 16-year-old had been assaulted. He was taken to Dunedin Hospital in a serious condition but died yesterday evening. Another teenage boy was taken into custody and will appear in Dunedin Youth Court today. Speaking to Breakfast this morning, Taieri MP Ingrid Leary said the central bus stop, which is right next to the police station, has a history of "problematic" incidents. "In my time as the neighbouring MP over the last four years, I've had a number of meetings and have been approached by people - security guards, members of the public, and senior citizens - in my electorate who have felt some fears around using the bus stop," she said. She said young people have recently been converging in the area "who are not there to catch public transport"... "and don't have other places where they feel is appropriate to converge". The Dunedin City Council met on Tuesday, and heard from members of the youth council about safety at the bus hub. Dunedin councillor Bill Acklin said the timing was "blood-boiling". "They made It very clear that this was not widespread, that it's just a minority of young people that just seem to have real behaviour issues and obviously very violent tendencies that go with it. "We've had numerous issues ever since that bus hub went in." Both suggested higher visibility of security at the bus stop was needed, as well as patrols by police. Leary called the measures "absolutely appropriate". Support for young people Leary called the incident "absolutely tragic" and said the community was "shocked and devastated". "What makes this particularly tragic is the age of the boys involved," she said. "All the young people, that we can see in the photo on the front of the Otago Daily Times this morning, who are gathered around while police are there attending to somebody who was presumably the person who passed away - they will be shocked." She said the young witnesses will have trauma with them "for a long time". "We need to make sure that they have the support that they need right now." She encouraged parents to speak to their children and schools to address the issue properly. --- Mystic BBS v1.12 A44 2020/02/04 (Windows/64) * Origin: S.W.A.T.S BBS Telnet (63:10/102) .