Subj : Sick season: How to avoid catching flu, colds and Covid this winter To : All From : News Date : Fri May 24 2024 01:19 pm It's that time of year: It feels like almost everyone is sick. So what can you do to stay healthy? Health New Zealand - Te Whatu Ora clinical director Dr Sarah Clarke told Breakfast this morning that people spend time inside more during the cold months, leading to greater transmission of respiratory illnesses. "[It's] absolutely important that we prepare for winter," she explained. "Make sure that we've got maybe some paracetamol in the cupboard, some honey in the pantry. "Make sure that we talk to our health providers, especially for those people who have got chronic illness like a respiratory illness, asthma. "Make sure we have a plan, so that we know what to do if we do get sick. "And most importantly, the best protection that we have against flu and Covid and other respiratory winter illnesses is to be immunised, so make sure that our vaccinations are up to date." Clarke said Covid was on the rise, according to testing from New Zealand's wastewater. It was expected that more Covid cases would also emerge in the community as people congregated inside amid cooler weather, she added. --- Mystic BBS v1.12 A44 2020/02/04 (Windows/64) * Origin: S.W.A.T.S BBS Telnet (63:10/102) .