Subj : Further not guilty plea in $3.5m construction corruption case To : All From : News Date : Thu Jun 13 2024 12:45 pm By 1News Reporters 57 mins ago The last of three individuals charged by the Serious Fraud Office after $3.5 million worth of Auckland construction contracts were allegedly awarded through bribery and corruption has pleaded not guilty. The Serious Fraud Office (SFO) filed charges in December 2023 against a former project manager and two associates, including corruption of an official, corrupt use of official information and obtaining by deception. In May, two of the three individuals charged were named as Daud Suryantyo and Henry Rogo. A third defendant cannot yet be named. Suryantyo is alleged to have taken advantage of his position and accessed official information that he was entrusted with to facilitate the awarding of contracts to Trinity Construction Limited and a second company associated with the third defendant. In a written statement provided to the Court, Suryantyo pleaded not guilty to charges alleging he abused his position as a public official while employed at what was then Regional Facilities Auckland and later at the Counties Manukau District Health Board. It is alleged that the three defendants had personal and business relationships which they disguised from the public bodies and that Suryantyo benefited personally including through receiving bribes. "The SFO would like to acknowledge RFA (now part of Tataki Auckland Unlimited Limited) for bringing this matter to the SFO's attention following their own internal investigation, and both RFA and CMDHB (now Te Whatu Ora Counties Manukau) for their assistance," it said. Around $3.5m in public funds is alleged to have been granted to the two companies. The next appearance on this matter is a case review hearing on August 28, 2024. --- Mystic BBS v1.12 A44 2020/02/04 (Windows/64) * Origin: S.W.A.T.S BBS Telnet (63:10/102) .