Subj : Unlicensed builder forged the names, signatures of licensed peers To : All From : News Date : Fri Jun 14 2024 01:59 pm By 1News Reporters 40 mins ago An unlicensed builder has been convicted of forging the names and signatures of two licensed builders on Certificate of Design Work for three properties in the Bay of Plenty and Otago. Between September 2021 and July 2022, Jimmy Carson, sole director of Carson Design and Co Ltd, forged the names and signatures of two licensed builders while working on three properties in Mt Maunganui, East Taieri and Tauranga. He used their licence numbers, address, and phone numbers which he had obtained while corresponding with them regarding the designs of the properties. Carson's offending was discovered in September 2022 when the Tauranga City Council phoned the licensed builder whose named and signature Carson had forged when filing a Certificate of Design Work. Registrar of Licensed Practitioners Duncan Connor said Carson was fully aware of the consequences of his actions, the lives he could have impacted, and those who he had forged the names and signatures of. "Carrying out restricted building work without holding an appropriate license or being supervised by a Licensed Building Practitioner (LBP), is a serious offence," Connor said. The LBP scheme ensures consumers can be confident that they are hiring properly trained professionals to carry out or supervise restricted building work (RBW). LBPs must keep their licence up to date while carrying out RBW. Working without a licence means a fine of up to $20,000 can occur. "There was a high degree of premeditation in the offending by Mr Carson and he caused a significant breach of trust," Connor said. Tauranga District Court Judge Greg Hollister-Jones found Carson guilty on two charges of forgery and sentenced him to six-month community detention that started from May 30. He also found Carson guilty on two charges of providing false and misleading information and ordered him to pay a total fine of $2000 ($1000 for each of the charges). Connor urged anyone who is engaging a builder to first look them up on the LBP Public Register. --- Mystic BBS v1.12 A44 2020/02/04 (Windows/64) * Origin: S.W.A.T.S BBS Telnet (63:10/102) .