Subj : DOC warns of 'seal silly season' as juveniles roam To : All From : News Date : Mon Jun 17 2024 12:47 pm By 1News Reporters 10:58am The Department of Conservation has issued a warning to watch out for curious fur seals popping up in surprising places over the coming months. The "seal silly season" brings adventurous juvenile fur seals, sea lions and seals out into unusual locations as they explore further afield from June through to September. Last year, seals were spotted in the car park of KFC in Papakura and Bunnings in Whangarei. In these instances, DOC intervened to relocate the seals safely back to the water. DOC marine science advisor Dr Jody Weir said the marine mammals spend considerable time on land resting and occasionally exploring. Although they are usually found on rocky shores, their natural curiosity sometimes leads them several kilometres inland. "Young seals, still dependent on their mother's milk, tend to venture further afield during this period. It's common to find them on roads, in backyards, or even on living room sofas," said Weir. "This year has been particularly challenging for New Zealand's fur seals, with more than 1000 deaths due to starvation along the Kaikoura coast." Weird said broader issues of climate change and food scarcity couldn't be changed overnight, but people can contribute to "keeping these fascinating animals safe". "Most seals people encounter are healthy, and behaviours like regurgitating, sneezing, coughing, or crying are normal. "People should enjoy observing them from a distance and contact DOC only if they are in immediate danger, such as being on a road, severely injured, or tangled in debris," said Weir. Earlier this year, a fur seal caused a "delightful shock" for Nelson residents after one made its way through the Maratai river into city's main township. --- Mystic BBS v1.12 A44 2020/02/04 (Windows/64) * Origin: S.W.A.T.S BBS Telnet (63:10/102) .