Subj : Telnet Clients To : Accession From : Skylar Date : Fri Jul 05 2024 02:27 pm Re: Telnet Clients By: Skylar to Accession on Fri Jul 05 2024 02:14 pm > > I would imagine that would happen connecting to a Synchronet board too. I > > believe both softwares capture the mouse on connect, which makes > > copy/pasting not possible unless you disable that feature. > > I don't connect to many boards, but they are all Synchronet boards and it > works for me. I suppose the SysOps have mouse capture disabled. After seeing dm's message, it seems that I either disabled mouse capture or never enabled it. I'm still slowly catching up. I have no idea why I'd want a BBS to capture my mouse activity. ;) --- SBBSecho 3.20-Linux * Origin: Vertrauen - [vert/cvs/bbs] (21:1/183) .