Subj : Re: The Idiots Guide to Meshtastic To : N2QFD From : Warpslide Date : Fri Mar 08 2024 04:20 pm On Sunday February 18 2024, N2QFD said the following... NQ> The Idiots Guide To Meshtastic - Long Range Comms! NQ> NQ> I was wondering if anyone has been playing with these out there in NQ> there wild? T hey look like a pretty super EMCOM tool but just NQ> generally fun stuff. It's one o f those moments where I think we need NQ> to not be held back by our license. I of I watched this video when you posted & then a couple of his follow-up videos. I might have "accidentally" bought one of these Heltec WiFi LoRa 32 thingies from after watching. It arrived from China yesterday and I spent a bit playing with it. There isn't anyone in range of my house (at least with the included antenna), so I drove to the top of the escarpment this afternoon and was pleased to pick up a bunch of nodes. At first I was surprised by the number of nodes I was seeing, then I noticed a lot of these are marked "Via MQTT". It looks like there's a HAM in downtown Hamilton (VE3BNW) who has a node setup that I was able to see and most of this was coming from him. Ignoring the MQTT nodes I see a few from Toronto as well, none of the trace routes I did answered in time before I had to leave, but it was neat this tiny antenna & device can do. I wonder if a yagi pointed in his direction from my house could reach him, it's about 14km as-the-crow-flies but there's a lot between us, and he's quite a bit lower (down the escarpment). If I had to put a tower up it wouldn't be worth Jay .... What's the best smelling insect? A deodor-ant --- GoldED+/LNX 1.1.5-b20240306 * Origin: Northern Realms (21:3/110) .