Subj : Re: Hamshack Hotline To : Chuck Finley From : Mike Dippel Date : Fri Mar 25 2022 12:12 am On 3/24/2022 9:42 PM, Chuck Finley wrote to Mike Dippel: -> -=> Mike Dippel wrote to Chuck Finley <=- -> -> CF> BTW - I use an alias on this board, but you and I communicate on another -> CF> as well... Any idea who I am? -> CF> -> -> MD> When I see the name "Chuck Finley" I think of the character of Sam Axe -> MD> on the TV show "Burn Notice". Is that where you got the alias from? I -> MD> loved that show and saw a few episodes as they were filmed in the Miami -> MD> area. -> -> YES! That's exactly it! My wife and I watched the series all the way -> through - twice! And I adopted that as my go to alias when I'm somewhere -> and they ask for a name (restaurant, etc.). I've never used Charles Finley, -> but if I ever have a suit and briefcase I will. :-D One of the best shows on TV! I've binge watched it twice myself, and may do it again. I loved the interaction between Fiona and Mike. Sam loved his beer and had his way with women and was a bad ass himself. Mike --- Platinum Xpress/Win/WINServer v7.0 * Origin: The Hobby Line! Internet - (21:4/176) .