Subj : VK7 Amateur Radio News 25Aug19 To : WW From : VK7AX Date : Sun Aug 25 2019 11:02 pm VK7AX BCAST 25.08.19 00:41l 366 Lines 22519 Bytes #90 (0) @ WW BID : 18805_VK7AX Subj: VK7 Amateur Radio News 25Aug19 Path: OK0NBR IR2UBX DB0RES DB0OVN DB0GOS ON0AR OZ5BBS CX2SA VK7AX Sent: 190825/0329Z @:VK7AX.#ULV.TAS.AUS.OC #:18805 [Ulverstone] $:18805_VK7AX From: VK7AX@VK7AX.#ULV.TAS.AUS.OC To : BCAST@WW Text edition: VK7 AMATEUR RADIO NEWS BROADCAST FOR SUNDAY 25 August 2019 (Note.. please remove spaces in email addresses before using) VK7 AMATEUR RADIO NEWS BROADCAST FOR SUNDAY 25th AUGUST 2019 ------------------------------------------------------------- Welcome to the VK7 Amateur Radio News for the 25th of August 2019. This broadca This broadcast utilises repeaters around VK7 and the following HF rebroadcast s On 3.670 MHz by Ross, VK7ALH On 7.140 MHz by Peter, VK7TPE On 14.130 MHz by Garry, VK7JGD On 28.525 MHz by Tony, VK7VKT On DMR Talk Group 5 by Clayton, VK7ZCR On D-Star Reflector 091 by Roger VK7HRW This broadcast is repeated on Tuesday night at 8:00pm on repeaters VK7RTC in th ----------------------------------------------------------- QSL NEWS Report - from Herman VK7HW Manager of the WIA VK7 Inwards QSL Bureau Herman has advised that the recently arrived QSL cards have been sorted and the As usual, Herman will deliver cards to Clubs and or QTH's on an opportunity bas When Herman took on the role of Inwards QSL Manager he was given a list of Call The callsigns are - VK7's GK, OK, KO, CH, LO, NGW and OC. Any updates would be If you have any questions about QSL Cards being held, Herman can be contacted b (73, Herman, VK7 QSL Guru) AB, ABY, AC, ACN(FOR RT0C), AD, AG, AN(9N), AP BBB, BC, BH, BO, BX CC, CH, CW DD, DG, DW, DX (for E7/VK4DX), DZ EE, EFA FG, FLAR, FRJG GK, GM, GN, GR, GZ HAH, HCK, HRS JB, JJ , JJJ, JON KPB, KRJ LC, LH, LLJ MAG, MBD, MHZ NC, NET, NF, NRF, NSE, NWQ PRN, PSJ QP RB, RN, ROY SM TCE, TS (for VK9LS), TU VIP, VR, VZ WC, WLH, WX XDM, XX YUM ZA, ZE, ZGK, ZX VI17AC, VI7COW, VI70HI, VI7JIS, VI7KCD, VI7LER,  VI70MI ---------------------------------------------------------------- RD contest 2019 Have you put in your log? Last weekend was the RD Contest for 2019 and there was a huge VK7 contingent on Thanks to Warren VK7WN who took a look at the logs submitted on Friday night an If you havent put your log in then please do it soon, do not put it off. Log VK7 have won it the last two years thanks to a concerted effort to get amateurs Please please please put in your log – dont delay. Last day for log submission is Sunday 1 October 2019. Details at: ---------------------------------------------------------------------- News from the North West Chat And Show Group Gathering The next gathering is on September 7th at the Penguin Sports Centre, Ironcliffe I always ask for a small plate for afternoon tea and do appreciate the past con If you have anything to show us that is old or something new that you have buil Everyone welcome (Shirl VK7HSC) ----------------------------------------------------------------- News from the North SOTA and WWFF Parks and Reserves Group Meeting times are from 10:30am on Monday and Friday At Glebe Gardens Cafe, 166 For more details contact Al on Mobile: 0417 354 410. 73, Al, VK7AN ------------------------------------------------------------------ This is VK7WI and You are listening to the VK7 Amateur Radio Broadcast ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Northern Tasmanian Amateur Radio Club Incorporated Here we are, back again. We hope everyone had fun last weekend, being involved As the broadcast goes to air many NTARC members who take part in our Equine eve As promised in the news of 11 August, here is a quick rundown on the working be What a brilliant roll up of members, ready to tackle a number of jobs that need The chainsaw was busy cutting up wood which was then nicely stacked away and th All the workers enjoyed the BBQ lunch and numerous cups of coffee and tea along We now hand over to NTARC President Idris VK7ZIR for his report on the clubs Round up of Wednesday 21 August technical session – “Again it was standing Simon VK7FSRM was beavering away at some Advanced level practice exams, getting Ebenezer VK7AT had refurbished a Morse electronic keyer which was originally an Peter VK2MPK arrived advising that he was given the day off as the weather at t David VK7YY brought in some antenna traps he wanted to weather proof and was so Trevor VK7TB is continuing his dual magnetic loop project. He had compiled VNA Finally, a donation from one of our members of a considerable number of radio b Thats all for now, until next week, 73, Idris VK7ZIR” Thank you Idris, great to see another good roll up. Please note there will be n An item of interest, courtesy of member Michael VK7MRS. Michael, who is our Ass “Its official, VK7HSD now has a shack! Huon Scout District club station, VK7HSD along with the Q store, was officially We had a big rollup of some 50 Joeys, Cubs, Scouts and Venture youth, The Q store was rightly named “THE KAAPORT” in recognition of Mark Norris 25 years of scouting in the Huon Valley. “CAR” as it is pronounced, is his The motto "ENSPIRING OTHERS TO ACHIEVE A LIFE TIME HOBBY" has been adopted by V Huonville scout troop already boasts 1 youth member and 2 leaders currently hol Currently radios include an Icom 706Mk2G with an AH4 tuner for HF operations as VK7HSDs echo link node number 913668 and DMR id 5057118 will be active for s We look forward to making contact from the southernmost Scouting District of Au 73 from Michael, VK7MRS Huon District JOTA coordinator. Thank you Michael for that exciting news. Your fellow NTARC members and Committ Coming events Social non meeting dinner – last reminder that this event takes place on Wedn addresses ypmaxwell @ or ntarc.emails @ or let me know at coffee session on Monday, as I need to confirm the numbers la Technical sessions – The next session will be on Wednesday 4 September and wi Coffee mornings – A reminder that our twice-weekly coffee sessions are normal Please remember that aside from the good company, freely offered philosophical Please demonstrate your appreciation of all the effort that goes into operating Finally A reminder to all members that if you have any items of news you would like add ntarc.emails @ However, it would be appreciated if any news could be sent no later than 17:00 That gives all a chance to get the NTARC segment together and off to Hobart in As always, I look forward to seeing you at Rocherlea. (73, Yvonne VK7FYMX, Secretary NTARC Inc) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- This is VK7WI and You are listening to the VK7 Amateur Radio Broadcast ---------------------------------------------------------------------- NEWS FROM THE SOUTH Radio and Electronics Association of Southern Tasmania Antenna Kits Available Ben VK7BEN still have a number of End-Fed and Satellite Moxon kits available af Ben Short ben @ | | Twitter: @bcshort -------------------------- REAST September Visit Behind the Scenes - ABC TV & Radio A huge thank you to Damien VK7SD and Alan VK7KAD who have agreed to give us a B This is be a fascinating tour by the some of the Technical Staff who have been This will be happening on the 25th September 2019. Please note the first Wednes More details closer to the event. -------------------------- DATV Experimenter's Night Wrap-Up Even though it was literally pouring with rain and cold there was a big group o We started on air with Justin VK7TW and Hayden VK7HH in the DATV studio with a We then went into the clubrooms where Kim Briggs VK7KB had brought along a fant We then went to an older 1950s HP frequency generator - 606 HF version to 65MHz The final piece of VK7KB test equipment was a microwave 0.8 to 2.3GHz signal ge We get back underway next Wednesday night with a DATV Experimenter's night from We go out on RF on 445.5MHz DVB-T 7MHz Standard Definition. So, if you have a T See you there. (73, Justin, VK7TW) ------------------------------------------------------------------ REAST Training The next training session is scheduled for Saturday September 14th. If you want email assessor @ (73, Reg, VK7KK) -------------------------------------------------------------------- Regular VK7 gatherings and events over the coming months: Regular gatherings: SOTA Group – Monday and Friday Coffee Sessions from 10:30am at Glebe Gardens NTARC - Monday and Friday Coffee Sessions from 10am, Technical Sessions on Wedn REAST – Wednesday Afternoon Group meets from Noon and the Experimenters Night REAST – MICROWAVE QSO Party – following after the Sunday broadcast on 1296. Events: NTARC - Wednesday 28 August. Social Dinner at The Commercial Hotel, corner Cimi NW CHAT & SHOW – Saturday September 7th. Penguin Sports Centre, Ironcliffe Ro REAST – September 25 – Behind the scenes visit to the ABC Hobart TV and Rad ------------------------------------------------------------- A reminder to those people rostered for next weeks broadcast: Newsreader: VK7PD Repeaters: REAST, NTARC and NWTR&TVG 80m: VK7TW 40m: VK7ALH 20m: VK7TPE 10m: VK7JGD DMR: Talk Group 5 VK7ZCR D-Star: Reflector 091 VK7HRW ------------------------------------------------------------- This broadcast is repeated on Tuesday night at 8:00pm on repeaters VK7RTC in th Thanks to all people and organisations that assisted with this broadcast. ------------------------------------------------------------- That concludes our VK7 Amateur Radio News Broadcast for this week. You have been listening to or just missed VK7WI, next week the National WIA new Items for the broadcast can be emailed to vk7arnews @ Further information about the broadcast can be found at the VK7 Amateur Radio N The deadline for items is 21:00 on Friday prior to the Sunday of the broadcast. VK7WI is now closing but will reopen shortly for callbacks and relay reports. C From the VK7 Amateur Radio News, it is 73 from Mike, VK7FB. --- Mystic BBS v1.12 A43 (Linux/32) * Origin: HAMRADIO telnet (21:5/101) .