Subj : Silo To : Abbub From : Commodore Clifford Date : Sun May 28 2023 01:02 pm On 27 May 23 08:59:43 Abbub wrote... AA> So... After five episodes, I have to say...this show is starting to AA> lose me.I understand that the TV adaptation needs to change from the AA> book, but at this point, they seem to just be changing things for the AA> sake of changing things, and it's starting to get a little annoying. AA> AA> --- * Origin: Telnet: - Fort Collins, CO USA AA> (21:2/145) To which Commodore Clifford replies... I haven't seen that one yet... (and probably won't) but as a generic observation, that's usually where a show looses me too. You chose to base something off a book for a reason. Changing it just to say you changed it? Why not just come up with your own original story. Those who are watching it because of the book will just be upset and those who aren't familiar with the book won't care either way. --- RATSoft/FIDO v09.14.95 [JetMail 1.01] * Origin: STar Fleet HQ - Real Atari! - (21:3/171) .