Subj : Re: Running mystic on Raspian guide? To : The Godfather From : alterego Date : Sat Sep 05 2020 09:44 am Re: Re: Running mystic on Raspian guide? By: The Godfather to alterego on Fri Sep 04 2020 07:53 am Howdy, TG> I've been talking to a few others about trying out new software for a TG> second BBS, maybe even a third once I learn Linux. I'd be open to TG> Syncronet. I've also been considering WWIV (what I ran 20 years ago, TG> for 10 years) and Enigma. I stated Mystic only as I am familiar with For your primary requirement to learn Linux, it probably doesnt matter what BBS software you install. I've played with many and none are particularly dependant on knowing Linux. Apart from pathing, and knowing that users cannot open ports below <1024 everything else will pretty much be the same on any platform. So I would start anywhere. If you go the Mystic route any Linux user will be able to help you with challenges along the way. The same would be true for Synchronet or anything else I guess. I see that there is a new release of WWIV - if time permits I might have a go at setting it up (never used it). And I'd get it up and running in docker (only because I'm a docker fan)... BTW: I there are docker images for the other BBSes (I have some of them) - and yes thats a little extra to learn, but IMHO, its not to onorous... ....лоеп .... Be an individualist. He who follows another is always behind. --- SBBSecho 3.11-Linux * Origin: I'm playing with ANSI+videotex - wanna play too? (314:314/180) .