Subj : Re: Hope all of my Pi sysops are safe! To : Blue White From : Ray Sbaitso Date : Fri Apr 10 2020 12:54 pm On Monday April 06, 2020, Blue White said to Jonathan Hodges... BW> I am also tired of it, but it is the one place I can keep up with my BW> nieces, my high school/college friends, and some of the retirees from BW> work. I think a lot of people are in that situation. No one offers mailing lists anymore so if you have interests and hobbies that are more niche than mainstream one of the only ways to keep up with them is via Facebook. The groups can have a bad reputation, but there are a lot of them out there that are well run and contain a lot of information. It's just a shame that the platform they are run on is the way it is. People don't want to have to worry about mutliple logins / passwords, etc anymore. I know someone who can't stand the though of having to set up another login for another site. He wants everything under one site, yet hates and won't use Facebook. It confuses the heck outta me! :) --- Zeus BBS 1.5 * Origin: CIA AMIGA BBS - (314:314/175.0) .