Subj : Re: Hope all of my Pi sysops are safe! To : Tony Langdon From : Ray Sbaitso Date : Sun Apr 19 2020 10:12 am The BBS I connect to (CIA Amiga BBS) just started carrying the VKRADIO network. Have you been on that network? I asked a beginner question on there and got some very useful information and nice replies. If you're interested in HAM Radio and you haven't been on it you should definately give it a look. On Tuesday April 14, 2020, Tony Langdon said to Blue White... TL> -=> On 04-11-20 10:33, Blue White wrote to Ray Sbaitso <=- BW>> Sometimes you can still find decent hobby discussion on a BBS, BW>> although not near as much as there used to be. Seems like it can BW>> still be a good place to talk HAM radio since a lot of BBS sysops and BW>> users are also HAM enthusiasts. Once upon a time, I felt like I was BW>> one of the few that was not! :) TL> I've become a lot more active on ham radio in the last few weeks. It's TL> an excellent way to stay connected in these times. :) TL> ... It's important that I NOT know. TL> ___ MultiMail/Win v0.51 --- Zeus BBS 1.5 * Origin: CIA AMIGA BBS - (314:314/175.0) .