Subj : Re: Hello, Raspberry friends.. To : paulie420 From : Blue White Date : Sun Sep 20 2020 10:31 am -=> paulie420 wrote to Blue White <=- pa> But yes, all the videos are period correct - and I love how current pa> technology has made that antique television come back to life. :P pa> Awesome. That is awesome! pa> I know several people who run PLEX servers on their Raspberry Pi's. pa> It's one of the most popular projects to do with them, so there IS tons pa> of info online about doing just that.... even the: [...snip...] pa> - as far as looks go, anyway... dig into that project and I'm sure pa> you'll find options that work with what you ultimately want to do. I shall need to check that out, once I feel like I have some time to dedicate to it. The weather has been too nice here lately to do too much with indoor projects! pa> Nice chatting, Blue White... I'm going to try to remember to frequent pa> PiNet; hope to cya around! With you also. I lurk here regular so I am sure I will see you again. .... Direct from the Ministry of Silly Walks --- MultiMail * Origin: Possum Lodge South * (314:314/25.5) .