Subj : Re: Testing 1..2..3.. To : Deon George From : Tim Grooms Date : Fri Nov 16 2018 01:41 am Yes Sir Deon! Got you here in Arkansas USA. Thanks for the reply! Tim On Thursday November 15, 2018, Deon George said to Tim Grooms... DG> On 11/15/18, Tim Grooms said the following... TG>> Just testing to see if I am making it out! DG> I got it - how about my reply? DG> ...deon DG> _--_|\ | Deon George DG> / \ | Chinwag BBS - A BBS on a PI in Docker! DG> \_.__.*/ | DG> V | Coming from the 'burbs of Melbourne, Australia --- Zeus BBS 1.5 * Origin: CIA AMIGA BBS - (314:314/175.0) .