Subj : Pi Projects To : All From : Smooth Date : Fri Feb 21 2020 09:35 am I've been looking at different ways that my Pi BBS could display if someone has logged on visually from the board or case. I've been looking at either having an LED flash everytime a user connects or add a tiny lcd screen to display who's currently logged on and on what node. Either project shouldn't be that expensive to build. :D |15=|11=|10=|02========================|02=|10=|11=|15= |14¯ |15Smooth|03 (|11Chingon BBS|03) ^ B7 ^ Legacy ^ Impure |15=|11=|10=|02========================|02=|10=|11=|15= |08¯ |07v|15iva|07l|15a |07r|15aza|14! |07¢|15rale |07h|15omie|14! --- Mystic BBS v1.12 A43 2019/03/02 (Linux/64) * Origin: Chingon BBS >> Orale Homie! << Covina, CA (314:314/190) .