Subj : Tombstone for my dad To : All From : Necromaster Date : Sat Mar 07 2020 10:24 am My dad Carlos Roldan Polanco passed away Jan, 10 2020. We were able to cover all funeral and burial cost but I would like to be able to get a tombstone for him. I have a deposit for it but cost is a little too much for me at this time. My dad was the best loving person on this earth and always went out of his way to help others. His grandkids and family and friends loved him so much. Please, help me get propper tombstone for him. Any little amount goes a long way, God bless and thank you! _link&utm_campaign=p_cf+share-flow-7a __ _ _ __ _ __ _ ____ . _ _ __ : : (/_ (_ : (_) : : (_) : : : : (_ (_) : : (Telnet:// --- Mystic BBS v1.12 A43 2019/03/03 (Windows/64) * Origin: Necronomicon BBS - (314:314/30) .