Subj : Hope all of my Pi sysops are safe! To : All From : Smooth Date : Sun Mar 22 2020 02:12 pm I hope all of you are staying safe during this pandemic. It's sad to see however that PiNet is a ghost town just like how it is outside my house. Everyone should be chatting on their BBSes more. :D |15=|11=|10=|02========================|02=|10=|11=|15= |14¯ |15Smooth|03 (|11Chingon BBS|03) ^ B7 ^ Legacy ^ Impure |15=|11=|10=|02========================|02=|10=|11=|15= |08¯ |07v|15iva|07l|15a |07r|15aza|14! |07¢|15rale |07h|15omie|14! --- Mystic BBS v1.12 A46 2020/03/18 (Linux/64) * Origin: Chingon BBS >> Orale Homie! << Covina, CA (314:314/190) .