Subj : Re: Hope all of my Pi sysops are safe! To : Blue White From : Ray Sbaitso Date : Sat Apr 04 2020 12:55 pm 2 points for the BBS name. Possum Lodge! I haven't seen Red Green in forever. When I stop onto any of the BBSes that have any kind of networked chats I've dropped in to check out the activity level and I'm seeing a few people around or a few more people around lately. I love the comment about the layout being dated. It amazes me how people can do nothing but complain. I enjoy time on the BBSes and great appreciate the effort of those who continue to run them, run the network forums, update the software, etc. I have to say that I have been sending out far more email than I have in a very long time. My posting has increased as well, but some of that is because now there is a bit more to actually reply to. :) How does running a BBS on a Pi vary from a "traditional" computer? On Monday March 30, 2020, Blue White said to Captain Obvious... BW> -=> Captain Obvious wrote to Blue White <=- CO>> On 29 Mar 2020, Blue White said the following... CO>> Starting to see a couple more calls daily. Folks are bored and the CO>> Internet basically sucks. BW> I have noticed that also. Had one complain that the interface on my BW> "Nineties" board is "too old," but a few others have called more than BW> once, tried a few doors, etc. BW> ... So easy, a child could do it. Child sold separately. --- Zeus BBS 1.5 * Origin: CIA AMIGA BBS - (314:314/175.0) .