Subj : Re: Hope all of my Pi sysops are safe! To : Ray Sbaitso From : Blue White Date : Sun Apr 05 2020 12:26 pm -=> Ray Sbaitso wrote to Blue White <=- RS> 2 points for the BBS name. Possum Lodge! I haven't seen Red Green in RS> forever. I am lucky. Our local PBS network, Kentucky Educational Television, has kept him on once-a-week for at least 15 years now. They sometimes go back in time far enough to pick up a season I have not seen yet. :) I decided to name it after the show after taking a trip to Canada back in 2017. RS> When I stop onto any of the BBSes that have any kind of networked chats RS> I've dropped in to check out the activity level and I'm seeing a few RS> people around or a few more people around lately. I have noticed a few more new people, and a lot more posts from folks that were not as active before. At least that is one good thing to come of all this crazy stuff. RS> I love the comment about the layout being dated. It amazes me how RS> people can do nothing but complain. I enjoy time on the BBSes and RS> great appreciate the effort of those who continue to run them, run the RS> network forums, update the software, etc. I get many more comments about how they like that a BBS with a retro look is still online. I am a novice programmer when it comes to PCs (I have 20+ years experience as a mainframe COBOL developer), so I am very thankful for folks like apam, Digital Man, and so many others who continue to develop BBS software, doors, etc., so that we can keep enjoying the hobby. RS> How does running a BBS on a Pi vary from a "traditional" computer? Not too much. The Pi I have is old enough (a 2B or 2+, cannot remember which), that the x server was so slow I eventually uninstalled it. So, it is all command line driven. Also, it has been running headless for about 6 months now... I ssh into it from another machine. Because of the architecture, you have to be willing to compile some things yourself as binaries are a little more difficult to come by. I have learned a few things. I have not tried it, but have heard that running DOS doors is much more of a challenge. Other than that it really is not too much different. .... So easy, a child could do it. Child sold separately. --- MultiMail * Origin: Possum Lodge South * (314:314/25.5) .