Subj : Re: Finished it! To : Morgul From : Gamgee Date : Thu Feb 25 2021 06:57 pm -=> Morgul wrote to Gamgee <=- Mo> BY: Gamgee(12:850/1) |11G|09> |07 |11G|09> |10Yes, I've read that. I think a lot of it (hate) originated over the Mo> |07 |11G|09> |10opening theme song. Not really sure why, I didn't mind it.|07 |11G|09> |07 |14I can "understand" the hate for Enterprise's theme song, since none of the |0 Mo> 7|14others had vocals.|07 |14But I liked the theme, and I thought the vocals were very appropriate to the |07|14show.|07 |14I would have liked to see more of the "Hey, let's really get out there and |0 Mo> 7|14explore". They did a fair bit of that in the first season, Mo> but I think they |07|14could have done more and it would have Mo> been a better series. I still really |07|14liked it, though.|07 |09------------============ |11T|14he |11T|14rading |11P|14ost |09[|11SOUTH|09] Mo> ============-------------|07 |14 |11Columbia, S.C.'s |14OLDEST|11 and|05 |14ONLY|11 remaining WWIV BBS |1 Mo> 4- |10WWIVNet|11@|148315|07 |14 |10Running WWIV 5.6.1 on a |13Raspberry Pi!|07 |14-|03 |11Telnet access addr Mo> ess coming soon!|07 Thanks for the reply, although I can barely read/understand it with all the "color code" garbage in it. You can see above how it looks to me. Perhaps consider just posting a message and leave the colors for menus and such? .... Press any key to continue or any other key to quit === MultiMail/Linux v0.52 --- SBBSecho 3.12-Linux * Origin: Palantir * * Pensacola, FL * (12:850/1) .