Subj : test message To : AARON GRASSWELL From : ROBERT WOLFE Date : Fri Feb 26 2021 04:42 am -> Hi Everyone, -> Sorry for the test, narrowing down an issue... -> Sent from within RemoteAccess out to DB and onto this echo. -> Thanks -> Take care -> Aaron/DW -> --- D'Bridge 4 -> * Origin: Dark Systems BBS (12:514/2) -> þ Synchronet þ Star Frontiers BBS Well this is how it made it here via QWK :) .... I'm still out here collecting Taglines, day and night. --- Wildcat! v8.0.454.10 (May 26 2020), Editor Mod v2.1 þ wcQWK 8.0 ÷ Omicron Theta * Memphis, TN * * Origin: Star Frontiers (12:936/1) .