Subj : hostnames To : All From : MeaTLoTioN Date : Tue Jun 04 2019 09:05 am Hey y'all, It's been a couple of months since I created the DNS mod for and it's had a bit of interest so far, here's a run down of some of the names that have been registered for it by visitors of The Quantum Wormhole; |15Username Hostname Destination |15 |13============================================================================ |10BitByter |14phoenix | |10BitByter |14bnbbbs | |10Al |14trmb | |10MeaTLoTioN |14tqw | |10nathanael |14hbbs | |10HusTler |14havensbbs | Just for those who don't fully understand what this does, it allows you to assign a hostname to that points to an address of your bbs or website, for example; My hostname : tqw Where it points: How you can use it: telnet if you ping it will resolve to This app is available in my doors section, just type "!" to get to it and you can register some hostnames to point to any fully qualified domain name of your choosing. Just remember; no spaces or any other illegal characters that would normally be associated with any other DNS system. Have fun =) --- |14Best regards, |11Ch|03rist|11ia|15n |11a|03ka |11Me|03aTLoT|11io|15N |07ÄÄ |08[|10eml|08] | |07ÄÄ |08[|10web|08] | |07ÄÄÄ¿ |07ÄÄ |08[|09fsx|08] |1521:1/158 |07ÄÄ |08[|11tqw|08] |151337:1/101 |07ÂÄÄÙ |07ÄÄ |08[|12rtn|08] |1580:774/81 |07ÄÂ |08[|14fdn|08] |152:250/5 |07ÄÄÄÙ |07ÄÄ |08[|10ark|08] |1510:104/2 |07ÄÙ --- Mystic BBS v1.12 A43 2019/03/02 (Linux/64) * Origin: The Quantum Wormhole, Ramsgate, UK. (1337:1/101) .