Subj : ZeroTier To : Meatlotion From : Alterego Date : Sun Aug 25 2019 11:13 pm Howdy, I've been distracted with Synchronet and thought I'd have a crack at writing a ZeroTier status in javascript. While I have a way to go (on what I want to implement), I thought you might like to see who is connected to TQW Zerotier. You should be able to see it in action on my BBS by going to external programs, main and zerotier (X-1-11 from the main menu). I want to link connected folks to the nodelist, and not quite sure how to do that yet (maybe a nodelist flag?). (Although the addressing I'm using makes it easier to figure out who is who.) Now that I've worked out how to talk to the ZeroTier API, I'll add add/remove connectivity to a zerotier network, as well as managing networks and authorising those to join a network, etc. ....лоег .... A bachelor never makes the same mistake once. --- SBBSecho 3.08-Linux * Origin: Alterant | An SBBS in Docker on Pi! (1337:2/100) .