Subj : Re: test To : MeaTLoTioN From : Black Panther Date : Tue Feb 25 2020 05:09 pm On 25 Feb 2020, MeaTLoTioN said the following... Me> @TID: Mystic BBS 1.12 A44 Me> @MSGID: 1337:1/100 d4c3bfb1 Me> @TZUTC: 0000 Me> @SEEN-BY: 1/100 101 102 201 2/100 3/100 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 Me> 110 111 Me> @SEEN-BY: 3/112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 Me> @PATH: 1/100 3/100 Me> test from uk hub Me> Me> --- Mystic BBS v1.12 A44 2020/02/04 (Linux/64) Me> * Origin: tqwNet UK HUB @ (1337:1/100) Got it. --- Black Panther(RCS) Castle Rock BBS --- Mystic BBS v1.12 A45 2020/02/18 (Linux/64) * Origin: Castle Rock BBS - - (1337:3/111) .