Subj : Testing broken link To : MeaTLoTioN From : Philipp Giebel Date : Mon Mar 16 2020 09:35 am Hey MeaTLoTioN! 13 Mar 20 09:32, you wrote to Stimpy: Me> I replied from the hub, hopefully you get it. Yes, I did. All good now, I guess. :) Me> And glad it's all working now, quite a bit of reconnaissance / Me> troubleshooting done and kudos for sorting it =) That's exactly the kind of stuff, I love dealing with..! :) ....And it was quiet obvious after having started golded and taking a look at my bad mail area.. ;) Cheers, stimpy --- GoldED+/LNX 1.1.5--b20170303 * Origin: ----> (1337:1/102) .