Subj : Science Daily To : All From : ScienceDaily Date : Fri Jan 10 2020 09:30 pm ScienceDaily Your source for the latest research news Jan. 10, 2020 For some unlucky people, a bout of intestinal distress like traveler's diarrhea leads to irritable bowel syndrome. Recent discoveries have given scientists a better idea of how this happens, and potential leads for new ... Jan. 10, 2020 Experts in the Japanese phenomena of hikikomori say the condition of extreme social isolation is more widespread than previously acknowledged, and it deserves a clear and consistent definition to improve treatment across the globe. A simplified and clear definition will improve the recognition and subsequent treatment for people who suffer from the ... Jan. 10, 2020 Researchers have developed a new way to generate groups of intestinal cells that can be used, among others, to make disease models in the lab to test treatments for diseases affecting the gastrointestinal system. Using human induced pluripotent stem cells, this novel approach combined a variety of techniques that enabled the development of three-dimensional groups of intestinal cells called ... Jan. 10, 2020 A molecular switch has the ability to turn on a substance in animals that repairs neurological damage in disorders such as multiple sclerosis (MS) researchers discovered. The early research in animal models could advance an already approved Food and Drug Administration therapy and also could lead to new strategies for treating diseases of the central nervous ... Jan. 10, 2020 Human behavior is influenced by many things, most of which remain unconscious to us. One of these is known among perception psychologists as 'pseudo-neglect.' This refers to the observation that healthy people prefer their left visual field to their right and therefore divide a line regularly left of center. A new study shows for the first time what effect this inconspicuous deviation had in the ... Jan. 10, 2020 Placing a checkmark on the to-do list is an extremely liberating feeling for many eager list lovers, especially when the task has been postponed for a long time. But what happens in our brain when we have completed a postponed task? Will it be deactivated? If so, how? A team of scientists from the Collaborative Research Centre 940 'Volition and Cognitive Control' at TU Dresden, together with two ... Jan. 10, 2020 Researchers have studied the safety of very long-term antipsychotic therapy for schizophrenia. According to the study mortality was higher during periods when patients were not on medication than when they ... Jan. 10, 2020 Researchers found the main characteristics of loneliness in a senior housing community and the strategies residents use to overcome ... Jan. 10, 2020 Gun owners will go to events to get free devices for locking up their firearms at home, but a survey of nearly 3,000 participants at such events in Washington found that 40% had unlocked guns at home, and the presence of children in the home did not make a ... Jan. 10, 2020 Engineers have created a light-powered nanoparticle that could shrink the carbon footprint of syngas ... Jan. 10, 2020 A new class of 'superdiamond' carbon-based materials has tunable mechanical and electronic properties while retaining robust, diamond-liked ... Jan. 10, 2020 In a groundbreaking study, scientists have developed a new ultrasound technique for evaluating dolphin fetuses at all stages of ... Jan. 10, 2020 Physicists have developed a novel type of detector that enables the oscillation profile of light waves to be precisely ... Jan. 10, 2020 Recently, a Chinese team of astronomers claimed to have discovered a black hole as massive as 70 solar masses, which, if confirmed, would severely challenge the current view of stellar evolution. Among those to take a closer look at the object were astronomers from the Universities of Erlangen-N rnberg and Potsdam. They discovered that it may not necessarily be a black hole at all, but possibly ... Jan. 10, 2020 A group of scientists succeeded to experimentally determine characteristics of nuclear processes in matter ten million times denser and 25 times hotter than the center of our sun. A result of the measurement is that intermediate-mass stars are very likely to explode, and not, as assumed until now, ... Jan. 10, 2020 Researchers have created new open-source software which determines the accuracy of computer predictions of genetic variation within tumor ... Jan. 10, 2020 Scientists are increasingly interested in the function of chromatin -- a mix of DNA and protein within chromosomes -- and its role in disease. Using mathematical modeling and optical imaging they developed themselves, researchers now have discovered how chromatin folds at the single-cell level. They found it folds into a variety of tree-like domains spaced along a chromatin backbone. These small ... Jan. 10, 2020 Plant life is expanding in the area around Mount Everest, and across the Himalayan region, new research ... Jan. 10, 2020 An analysis of tubular fossils provides evidence of a 550-million-year-old digestive tract -- one of the oldest known examples of fossilized internal anatomical structures -- and reveals what scientists believe is a possible answer to the question of how these animals are ... Jan. 10, 2020 Researchers have discovered how a new immune system works to protect bacteria from phages, viruses that infect bacteria -- new information that could be leveraged to improve treatment of multidrug-resistant bacterial infections by refining phage ... Jan. 10, 2020 A new study demonstrates that there are no simple or universal solutions to the problem of engineering plants to enable them to cope with the challenges posed by climate ... Jan. 10, 2020 Does the never-ending introduction of new regulations of environmental resources have a positive effect? Researchers analyzed water governance regulations in six European countries from 1750 to 2006 and show that rules designed to improve resource management come into conflict in the long run, creating an equal number of positive and negative effects until the system falls apart. At this point, ... Jan. 10, 2020 Researchers identified Arctic Oscillation as the cause for the recent wildfires in Siberia. Their study forecasts wildfire activity in spring, helping to prevent carbon release and global ... Jan. 10, 2020 Chemists have found a new use for the waste product of nuclear power -- transforming an unused stockpile into a versatile compound which could be used to create valuable commodity chemicals as well as new energy ... Jan. 10, 2020 Christopher Columbus' accounts of the Caribbean include descriptions of fierce raiders who abducted women and cannibalized men -- stories long dismissed as myths. But a new study of skulls suggests Columbus may have been telling the ... Jan. 10, 2020 Salvage logging and re-seeding a forest after a wildfire helps reduce flooding and returns water levels to normal faster, according to a new ... --- up 6 weeks, 3 hours, 23 minutes * Origin: -=> Castle Rock BBS <=- Now Husky HPT Powered! (1337:3/111) .