Subj : Science Daily To : All From : ScienceDaily Date : Mon Jan 13 2020 09:30 pm ScienceDaily Your source for the latest research news Jan. 13, 2020 Scientists have discovered the oldest solid material on Earth: 7-billion-year-old stardust trapped inside a meteorite. This stardust provides ... Jan. 13, 2020 Scientists repurposed living frog cells -- and assembled them into entirely new life-forms. These tiny 'xenobots' can move toward a target and heal themselves after being cut. These novel living ... Jan. 13, 2020 A research group has just shown that tardigrades are very vulnerable to long-term high temperature exposures. The tiny animals, in their desiccated .... Jan. 13, 2020 Researchers recently found that Sestrin, a naturally occurring protein in the body, mimicked the benefits of exercise in flies ... Jan. 13, 2020 Scientists have finally scaled the solar system's equivalent of the Rocky .... Jan. 13, 2020 Using a nanoparticle as a 'tuning device,' researchers have devised a way to control electromagnetically induced transparency -- a feature of light which allows it to pass through ... Jan. 13, 2020 A new study suggests that the biological clock is involved in heart toxicity from radiation therapy and could be harnessed as part of a preventive strategy. Findings show that after receiving radiation to the heart, mice with disrupted biological clocks had significantly worse heart function than controls. They also demonstrated that Bmal1 -- a protein that drives 24-hour rhythms in the ... Jan. 13, 2020 Researchers have developed a machine that repairs injured human livers and keeps them alive outside the body for one week. This breakthrough may increase the number of available organs for transplantation saving many lives of patients with severe liver diseases or ... Jan. 13, 2020 New technology uses nano-sized particles of magnetic liquid metal to shred bacteria and bacterial biofilm. The research offers a groundbreaking new direction in the search for solutions to the deadly problem of antibiotic ... Jan. 13, 2020 Scientists have identified specific biological pathways along which individuals age ... Jan. 13, 2020 Members of collective leadership groups can maintain cohesion and act decisively when faced with a crisis, in spite of lacking the formal authority to do so, according to new ... Jan. 13, 2020 In a study using brain scans from nearly 10 thousand adolescents across the country, investigators show that risk of lead exposure is associated with altered brain anatomy and cognitive deficits in children from low income ... Jan. 13, 2020 Neuroscientists have discovered that eye and brain pressure are physiologically ... Jan. 13, 2020 A team of scientists has published a new version of the Database of Cross-Linguistic Colexifications (CLICS), covering lexical associations in more than 3,100 languages varieties. The new version of the database offers lexical data on an unprecedented scale and provides a detailed, reproducible workflow for data aggregation, allowing scholars from all over the world to contribute to future ... Jan. 13, 2020 Evaporation can explain why water levels drop in a full swimming pool, but it also plays an important role in industrial processes ranging from cooling electronics to power generation. Researchers now have reported a discovery that answers some fundamental questions about the process, which until now had remained a ... Jan. 13, 2020 New research finds that solar geoengineering -- the intentional reflection of sunlight away from the Earth's surface -- may reduce income inequality between ... Jan. 13, 2020 A team of physicists has mapped how electron energies vary from region to region in a particular quantum state with unprecedented clarity. This understanding reveals an underlying mechanism by which electrons influence one another, termed quantum 'hybridization,' that had been invisible in previous ... Jan. 13, 2020 A lab accident produced a monster of a polymer brush, an emerging biocompatible material that staves off bacteria while coating and ... Jan. 13, 2020 A single bright star in the constellation of Indus, visible from the southern hemisphere, has revealed new insights on an ancient collision that our galaxy the Milky Way underwent with another smaller galaxy called Gaia-Enceladus early in its ... Jan. 13, 2020 When it comes to the biggest and brightest explosions seen in the universe, astronomers have found that it takes two stars to make a gamma-ray ... Jan. 13, 2020 A new technology for detecting low glucose levels via ECG using a noninvasive wearable sensor, which with the latest artificial intelligence can detect hypoglycemic events from raw ECG signals has been ... Jan. 13, 2020 Orchid bees are master perfumers. Males collect chemicals to concoct perfumes unique to their specific species. Researchers link the evolution of sexual signaling in orchid bees to a single gene shaped by species' perfume .... Jan. 13, 2020 For corn growers, the decision of when and how much nitrogen fertilizer to apply is a perennial challenge. Scientists have shown that nanosatellites known as CubeSats can detect nitrogen stress early in the season, potentially giving farmers a chance to plan in-season nitrogen fertilizer applications and alleviate nutrient stress for ... Jan. 13, 2020 Using the most comprehensive dataset on the 'human footprint,' which maps the accumulated impact of human activities on the land's surface, researchers found intense human pressures across the range of a staggering 20,529 terrestrial vertebrate ... Jan. 13, 2020 If not identified before surgery, a rare genetic mutation could result in your dog being exposed to dangerously high levels of anesthetic ... Jan. 13, 2020 In response to future fossil fuel burning, climate computer models simulate a pronounced warming in the tropical oceans. This warming can influence the El Ni o phenomenon and shift weather and rainfall patterns across the globe. Despite being robustly simulated in computer models of the climate system, the origin of this accelerated tropical warming has remained a mystery. A new study concludes ... Jan. 13, 2020 There is a huge seasonal variability in methane seeps in the Arctic Ocean, according to a new ... Jan. 13, 2020 Sugar maples won't be heading north anytime soon, despite climate change, according to a new ... Jan. 13, 2020 A new study identifies the non-native species most likely to invade the Antarctic Peninsula region over the next decade. It provides a baseline for all operators in the region to look at mitigation ... --- up 6 weeks, 3 days, 3 hours, 23 minutes * Origin: -=> Castle Rock BBS <=- Now Husky HPT Powered! (1337:3/111) .