Subj : Science Daily To : All From : ScienceDaily Date : Mon Feb 10 2020 09:30 pm ScienceDaily Your source for the latest research news Feb. 10, 2020 Plants that break some of the 'rules' of ecology by adapting in unconventional ways may have a higher chance of surviving climate change, according ... Feb. 10, 2020 In a study with implications for the future of drug discovery, scientists showed they were able to turn simple chemicals into unique 3-D structures resembling those found in nature -- structures with desirable properties for medicines. In the process, they found a potential drug lead for inflammatory disease, which is now being investigated ... Feb. 10, 2020 A new study estimates that improving the rates of handwashing by travelers passing through just 10 of the world's leading airports could significantly reduce the spread of many infectious diseases. And the greater the improvement in people's handwashing habits at airports, the more dramatic the effect on slowing the disease, the researchers ... Feb. 10, 2020 A study of cultured bat cells shows that their strong immune responses, constantly primed to respond to viruses, can drive viruses to greater virulence. Modelling bat immune systems on a computer, the researchers showed that when bat cells quickly release interferon upon infection, other cells quickly wall themselves off. This drives viruses to faster reproduction. The increased virulence and ... Feb. 10, 2020 Biomedical engineers have developed a 'bio-ink' for 3D printed materials that could serve as scaffolds for growing human tissues to repair or replace damaged ones in the ... Feb. 10, 2020 It can be the bain of brain drug developers: The interface between the human brain and the bloodstream, the blood-brain-barrier, is so meticulous that animal models often fail to represent it. This improved chip represents important features more ... Feb. 10, 2020 New research suggests that someone who helps a total stranger is generally viewed as morally better and more trustworthy than someone who helps a family member. But this is true only if the helper did not have to choose between those ... Feb. 10, 2020 For cancers such as glioma, preclinical research models have failed to provide sufficient insight for medical progress. A team has now thoroughly analyzed sporadic canine gliomas and found that their molecular characteristics, including gene mutations and duplications, resemble those of humans. The results indicate that dogs provide an effective model for human gliomas, and learning how to more ... Feb. 10, 2020 Artificial intelligence may soon play a critical role in choosing which depression therapy is best for ... Feb. 10, 2020 The risk of ADHD was 34 percent higher in children whose mother had a vitamin D deficiency during pregnancy than in those children whose mother's vitamin D level was sufficient during the first and second trimesters. The result was adjusted for maternal age, socioeconomic status and psychiatric .... Feb. 10, 2020 Individuals who suffer from migraine headaches appear to have a hyper-excitable visual ... Feb. 10, 2020 New research indicates that a single dose of the human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccine is as effective as multiple doses for preventing preinvasive cervical disease, which can later develop into cervical ... Feb. 10, 2020 Safe and environmentally-friendly hydrogen gas on demand could be on the horizon following a new 'hydrogenation' chemical process. The research uniquely bypasses the need for an external source of hydrogen gas to accomplish a wide range of ... Feb. 10, 2020 A material shaped like a one-dimensional DNA helix might further push the limits on a transistor's size. The material comes from a rare earth element called ... Feb. 10, 2020 As the leading cause of mortality worldwide, cardiovascular diseases claim over 17 million lives each year, according to World Health Organization estimates. To open up new research avenues into this serious public health problem, Inserm researchers are developing ''human textiles'' from collagen in order to repair damaged blood ... Feb. 10, 2020 Hemp is technically legal in Texas, but proving that hemp is not marijuana can be a hurdle, requiring testing in a licensed laboratory. Now, a team of researchers have created a 'hemp scanner' that could easily fit in a police cruiser and distinguish hemp and marijuana instantly, without damaging any of the ... Feb. 10, 2020 The majority of stars in the universe will become luminous enough to blast surrounding asteroids into successively smaller fragments using their light alone, according to an ... Feb. 10, 2020 A new study adds a new layer to understanding how an oil spill could impact marine life. A diverse community of worms and other marine organisms on the seafloor plays a large role in nutrient cycling, organic matter burial, and remineralization. The burrowing and feeding activities of these organisms or bioturbation helps in the oxygenation of the ... Feb. 10, 2020 About 55 million years ago, a rapidly warming climate decimated marine communities around the world. But according to new research, it was a different story for snails, clams and other mollusks living in the shallow waters along what is now the Gulf Coast of the United States. They were able to ... Feb. 10, 2020 Investigators offer a new method for ecologists to calculate the correlation between geographic space and the number of species inhabiting that ... Feb. 10, 2020 How can fossils predict the consequences of climate change? A research team compared data from fossil and marine organisms living today to predict which groups of animals are most at risk from climate ... Feb. 10, 2020 Human beings altered one of the highest peaks in the Himalayas hundreds of years before a person ever set foot there, new research has found. The study indicates that the byproducts of burning coal in Europe in the late 18th century made their way to the Dasuopu glacier in the central Himalayas, some 6,400 miles as the crow flies from London, the birthplace of the Industrial .... Feb. 10, 2020 An emerging scientific consensus is that gases -- in particular carbon gases -- released by volcanic eruptions millions of years ago contributed to some of Earth's greatest mass extinctions. But new research suggests that that's not the entire ... Feb. 10, 2020 In Australia, the onset of human occupation (about 65,000 years ago?) and dispersion across the continent are the subjects of intense debate and are critical to understanding global human migration routes. A lack of ceramic artifacts and permanent structures has resulted in a scarcity of dateable archaeological sites older than about 10,000 ... Feb. 10, 2020 The need to efficiently harvest solar energy for a more sustainable future is increasingly becoming accepted across the globe. A new family of solar cells based on perovskites -- materials with a particular crystal structure -- is now competing with conventional silicon materials to satisfy the demand in this area. Perovskite solar cells (PSCs) ... Feb. 10, 2020 Study of an 'extremophile' found in the hot springs of Yellowstone National Park can be used to help researchers understand climate ... Feb. 10, 2020 Insect declines and extinctions are accelerating in many parts of the world. With this comes the disappearance of irreplaceable services to humans, the consequences of which are unpredictable. A group of scientists from across the globe has united to warn humanity of such ... --- up 2 weeks, 6 days, 3 hours, 33 minutes * Origin: -=> Castle Rock BBS <=- Now Husky HPT Powered! (1337:3/111) .