Subj : Science Daily To : All From : ScienceDaily Date : Tue Feb 11 2020 09:30 pm ScienceDaily Your source for the latest research news Feb. 11, 2020 Researchers have uncovered a novel potential antiviral drug target that could lead to treatments protecting against a host of infectious ... Feb. 11, 2020 Scientists have made a major breakthrough in understanding how the parasite that causes malaria is able to multiply at such an alarming rate, which could be a vital clue in discovering how it has evolved, and how it can be stopped. For the first time, scientists have shown how certain molecules play an essential role in the rapid reproduction of parasite cells, which cause this deadly ... Feb. 11, 2020 After helping develop a new approach for organic synthesis -- carbon-hydrogen functionalization -- scientists are now showing how this approach may apply to drug discovery. Recent work -- a streamlined process for making a three-dimensional scaffold -- is of interest to the pharmaceutical ... Feb. 11, 2020 Disease-prompting bundles of proteins found within cells are cleared by unexpected processes. That knowledge could lead to ALS therapeutic ... Feb. 11, 2020 When it comes to entertainment, people enjoy seeing bad guys get their punishment more than seeing them be forgiven, a new study reveals. But even though they don't enjoy the forgiveness stories as much, people do find these narratives more meaningful and thought-provoking than ones in which the bad guys receive their just ... Feb. 11, 2020 A team of engineers has created an ultra-small, wireless, battery-free device that uses light to record individual neurons so neuroscientists can see how the brain is ... Feb. 11, 2020 Researchers reveal a new understanding of how our microbiomes change as we age, setting the stage for future research on the role microbes play in accelerating or decelerating the aging process and influencing age-related .... Feb. 11, 2020 In 2016 and 2017, a surge of mumps cases at Boston-area universities prompted researchers to study mumps virus transmission using genomic data, in collaboration with the Massachusetts Department of Public Health and local university health services. As the outbreaks unfolded, the teams analyzed mumps virus genomes collected from patients, ... Feb. 11, 2020 Men who are taller in young adulthood, as an indicator of early-life circumstances, may have a lower risk of dementia in old age, suggests a new .... Feb. 11, 2020 Inflammation can send the brain's immune cells into damaging hyperdrive, an effect that has been linked to neurodegenerative diseases that affect memory, like dementia. A new study finds these same immune cells can also be activated to have the reverse effect, powering memory and ... Feb. 11, 2020 A team used electron microscopy to observe the cause of failure in a widely used 2D material, which could help researchers develop more stable and reliable materials for flexible electronic ... Feb. 11, 2020 We've all shared the frustration -- software updates that are intended to make our applications run faster inadvertently end up doing just the opposite. These bugs, dubbed in the computer science field as performance regressions, are time-consuming to fix since locating software errors normally requires substantial human ... Feb. 11, 2020 Researchers have made a breakthrough in the control of terahertz quantum cascade lasers, which could lead to the transmission of data at the rate of 100 gigabits per second -- around one thousand times quicker than a fast Ethernet operating at 100 megabits a ... Feb. 11, 2020 Electrospun synthetic cell scaffolds are not only more consistent than animal cells for cancer research, they hold the potential to replace animal .... Feb. 11, 2020 Scientists found that while all regions of the country can expect an earlier start to the growing season as temperatures rise, the trend is likely to become more variable year-over-year in hotter ... Feb. 11, 2020 Researchers have identified a benign tumor found in a fossilized dinosaur tail as part of the pathology of LCH (Langerhans cell histiocytosis), a rare and sometimes painful disease that still afflicts humans, particularly children under the age of ... Feb. 11, 2020 Rising ocean temperatures drove the melting of Antarctic ice sheets and caused extreme sea level rise more than 100,000 years ago, a new international study l shows - and the scientists say we're headed in that direction ... Feb. 11, 2020 Synthetic chemicals that were released into the environment for the first time 80 years ago have been linked to harmful health effects, and more of them are migrating slowly from the soil, according to new ... Feb. 11, 2020 More frequent and intense rainfall events due to climate change could cause more landslides in the High Mountain Asia region of China, Tibet and Nepal, according to the first quantitative study of the link between precipitation and landslides in the ... Feb. 11, 2020 An analysis of the so called climate spectrum shows why the ice ages have not behaved precisely as the models predict. A large element of coincidence is involved when an ice age begins or ends, the analysis shows. The results imply we should maybe use a more conservative risk assessment then the one IPCC ... --- up 3 weeks, 3 hours, 33 minutes * Origin: -=> Castle Rock BBS <=- Now Husky HPT Powered! (1337:3/111) .