Subj : Science Daily To : All From : ScienceDaily Date : Wed Feb 19 2020 09:30 pm ScienceDaily Your source for the latest research news Feb. 19, 2020 Researchers show that boys exhibiting inattention-hyperactivity at age 10 have a higher risk for traumatic brain injuries (TBIs) in adolescence and adulthood. Treatments to reduce these behaviors may decrease the risk for ... Feb. 19, 2020 In ancient Greek mythology, Icarus' wax wings melted when he dared to fly too close to the sun. Now, researchers have made artificial wings that are actually powered by the sun. The tiny wings, which can flap even faster than those of butterflies, could someday be used in robots or devices for solar energy harvesting, the researchers ... Feb. 19, 2020 Greater use of electric vehicles might be good for the environment, but further growth hinges on continued availability of critical battery components such as cobalt. Cell phones and other electronics also depend on the element's availability. Supplies of the metal are adequate in the short term, but shortages could develop down the road if ... Feb. 19, 2020 Analysis of Paleolithic-era teeth from a 28,500-year-old fossil site in the Czech Republic provides supporting evidence for two groups of canids -- one dog-like and the other wolf-like - with differing diets, which is consistent with the early domestication of ... --- up 4 weeks, 1 day, 3 hours, 33 minutes * Origin: -=> Castle Rock BBS <=- Now Husky HPT Powered! (1337:3/111) .