Subj : Science Daily To : All From : ScienceDaily Date : Thu Apr 09 2020 09:30 pm ScienceDaily Your source for the latest research news Apr. 9, 2020 Scientists have reconstructed the skulls of some of the world's oldest known dinosaur embryos in 3D, using powerful and non-destructive synchrotron techniques. They found that the skulls develop in ... Apr. 9, 2020 A new article calls attention to the risk posed by overreliance on COVID-19 testing to make clinical and public health decisions. The sensitivity of reverse transcriptase-polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) testing and overall test performance characteristics have not been reported clearly or consistently in medical literature, the article ... Apr. 9, 2020 Every moment of the day we are surrounded by smells. Odors can bring back memories, or quickly warn us that food has gone bad. But how does our brain identify so many different odors? And how easily can we untangle the ingredients of a mixture of odors? Scientists have taken an important step toward answering these questions, and the secret lies ... Apr. 9, 2020 Some types of gut bacteria are better than others at stimulating certain immune cells, specifically CD8+ T cells. And while these CD8+ T cells normally help protect the body against cancer, overstimulating them may promote inflammation and exhaust the T cells -- which can actually increase susceptibility to cancer, according to new mouse ... Apr. 9, 2020 A novel 'learning while doing' clinical trial approach called REMAP helps doctors find the optimal trade-off between quickly adopting new therapies during a pandemic, such as the anti-malarial drug hydroxychloroquine, and waiting until they are tested in longer clinical trials. The trial learns from similar trials enrolling around the world and ... Apr. 9, 2020 Researchers have discovered the basic science of how sweet taste perception is fine-tuned in response to different diets. While it has long been known that food can taste different based on previous experience, until now we didn't know the molecular pathways that controlled this ... Apr. 9, 2020 The research team discovered a new role for MAP2 in the synaptic potentiation process and expects to provide key insights into synaptic dysfunction in brain ... Apr. 9, 2020 Middle age may not be too late for women to substantially lower their stroke risk through lifestyle modifications. Middle-aged women who quit smoking, started exercising, maintained a healthy weight and made healthy food choices saw a reduction in their risk of ... Apr. 9, 2020 It's time to encourage people to wear face masks as a precautionary measure on the grounds that we have little to lose and potentially something to gain, say experts in The ... Apr. 9, 2020 Liquid metals and alloys have exceptional properties that make them suitable for electrical energy storage and generation ... Apr. 9, 2020 What does it actually look like deep inside our ears? This has been very difficult to study as the inner ear is protected by the hardest bone in the body. But with the help of synchrotron X-rays, it is now possible to depict details inside the ear three-dimensionally. Researchers have now used the method to map the blood vessels of the inner ... Apr. 9, 2020 The antimicrobial properties of silver have been known for centuries. Now scientists are seeking to better understand how the noble metal kills bacteria to help combat antiobiotic-resistant ... Apr. 9, 2020 Researchers have captured 3D images of nanoparticles in liquid with atomic precision, and developed an ultrathin electrical switch that could further miniaturize computing devices and personal electronics without loss of ... Apr. 9, 2020 Not quite planets and not quite stars, brown dwarfs are cosmic in-betweeners. Learning about their atmospheres could help us understand giant planets around other ... Apr. 9, 2020 Dark matter is thought to exist as 'clumps' of tiny particles that pass through the earth, temporarily perturbing some fundamental constants. A new article sets out two novel methods for measuring these tiny changes and thus detecting dark matter. Both use already existing experimental ... Apr. 9, 2020 Digital cameras as well as many other electronic devices need light-sensitive sensors. In order to cater for increasing demand for optoelectronic components, industry is searching for new semiconductor materials. They are not only supposed to cover a broad range of wavelengths but should also be inexpensive. A hybrid material fulfills both these ... Apr. 9, 2020 Engineers have developed a new method that doesn't require any special equipment and works in just minutes to create soft, flexible, 3D-printed robots. The structures were inspired by insect exoskeletons, which have both soft and rigid parts -- the researchers called their creations ... Apr. 9, 2020 Four fossilized monkey teeth discovered deep in the Peruvian Amazon provide new evidence that more than one group of ancient primates journeyed across the Atlantic Ocean from Africa. The teeth are from a newly discovered species belonging to an extinct family of African primates known as parapithecids. Fossils discovered at the same site in Peru ... Apr. 9, 2020 New research indicates mantis shrimp use path integration to find their way back to their burrows after leaving to seek food or mates. That means they can track their distance and direction from their starting point. A series of creative experiments revealed that to do that, they rely on a hierarchy of cues from the sun, polarized light patterns, and their internal ... Apr. 9, 2020 A new study has highlighted the extraordinary ability of plants to communicate between their shoots and roots to prevent ... Apr. 9, 2020 Using existing data from controlled experiments and computer simulations, researchers have found that host contact rates and habitat structure affect transmission rates of Bsal among eastern newts, a common salamander species found throughout eastern North ... Apr. 9, 2020 New research suggests that large-scale environmental factors influence the size of one of the ocean's most abundant forage species. Recently, scientists found that anthropogenic influences affected menhaden in the Atlantic more than in the Gulf, where environmental factors were the more dominant predictors of ... Apr. 9, 2020 A group of trees that grow fast, live long lives and reproduce slowly account for the bulk of the biomass -- and carbon storage -- in some tropical rainforests, a team of scientists says. The finding that these trees, called long-lived pioneers, play a much larger role in carbon storage than previously thought may have implications in efforts to preserve forests as a strategy to fight climate ... Apr. 9, 2020 The soybean cyst nematode sucks the nutrients out of soybean roots, causing more than $1 billion in soybean yield losses in the U.S. each year. A new study finds that one type of fungi can cut the nematodes' reproductive success by more than ... Apr. 9, 2020 In Swahili, red-billed oxpeckers are called Askari wa kifaru, or 'the rhino's guard.' Now, an article suggests that this indigenous name rings true: red-billed oxpeckers may behave like sentinels, sounding an alarm to potential danger. By tracking wild black rhinos, researchers found that those carrying oxpeckers were far better at sensing and ... --- up 11 weeks, 2 days, 2 hours, 33 minutes * Origin: -=> Castle Rock BBS <=- Now Husky HPT Powered! (1337:3/111) .