Subj : Building an Internet Radio Receiver To : All From : Ray Sbaitso Date : Fri Dec 21 2018 08:56 am The first thing I would like to do is thank everyone who replied to my "Is anyone out there..." thread. I never expected to receive so many replies. Thanks for taking the time to respond. I tried to get this thread started over on PInet and never got any replies. I was excited when that network was added to the BBS I connect to, but sorry to see that there seems to be almost no activity on it. Let me get on to the topic of the post. I've always wanted to buy a Raspberry Pi, but wanted to have a use for it before I bought one. I know several people who bought one and it ends up sitting in a drawer or on a shelf. I wanted to make sure I would use it but never could figure out how I wanted to. I think I've finally found a solution. Bob Rathbone Computer Consultancy puts out a Raspberry Pi Internet Radio Constructors Manual that is available as a PDF for free at As of 8/30/18 the current version is 6.8. It's a highly detailed guide outlining many different types of builds and currently tops out at 241 pages. To an absolute beginner like me, it's very intimidating. I've always wanted a portable radio capable of picking up internet radio stations but I've never seen one available anywhere. I've always been interested in the software and operating system side of computers and have no experience building electronic kits, etc. I don't know how to solder and have no background in any kind of basic electronics or theory. The guide does a great job of giving technical details along with basic overviews of the builds, but I really need something more of a step by step guide. If anyone is familar with this guide or could give it a quick look, I'm wondering what my chances of success are with a very basic build. I'm not looking for top of the line sound quality and would be happy using the audio out jack along with PC speakers, etc. but I would still need the digital display for tuning and tuning knobs, etc. Any thoughts or suggestions would be very welcome. --- Zeus BBS 1.5 * Origin: CIA AMIGA BBS - (1337:3/104.0) .