Subj : Re: Subie mods To : Jimmy Mac #1 From : Jahmas #1@255.Wwivnet Date : Sun Oct 11 2020 08:53 am JM#> Of course, it will have to be post Covid. JM#> JM#> The one small advantage to this shelter in place is that Julie and I are both JM#> accruing more PTO than usual as we've been avoiding travel. So.. when it's JM#> safe to travel aagain, we're out the door! Yeah to quarantine! We stayed away from beaches etc during tourist season. Now we are back down to Mayberry status again. We went on a hike at Ft. Hill overlooking the distant sandbar at Monomoy (think of the movie with Chris Pine "The Finest Hours"). Well anyhow, hikers wore masks and were very polite so... you can tell they were locals. I work for Tufts Healthcare and we are officially merging with Harvard Pilgrim. Our vacation structure will be changing. Harvard Pilgrim has no vacation structure. Theoretically it is unlimited therefore nothing to carry over from previous year. As of Dec 12th, I will get a payout of unused ET which will amount to an extra 14k for the year. Looks like the Subie might get paid off or a combination of new shower upstairs and hefty payment on Subie :O I've already maxed out my 401k for the year. All sorts of things to repair or remodel in a house however. ÖÄ· Ò ÉÍ» · Ö ÖÄ· ÉÍ» ÉÍ» ÉÍ» Õ˸ ÖÄ· · Ö ÉÍ» Ò Alpha Centauri BBS ÇĶ º ÇÄÐ ÇĶ ÇĶ º ÇÄ º Ó· º ÇĶ º º ÇÄÓ· º Cape Cod Massachusetts Ð Ð Ð Ð Ð Ð Ð Ð Èͼ Èͼ Ð ½ Ð Ð Ð Èͼ ½ Ð Ð ÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿ --- WWIVToss v.1.52 * Origin: * Bel Air, MD -USA (11:1/101.0) .